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Completed Charlotte

Went in with nothing except for the name so I didn't really know what to expect, except that I've heard the ending was a let down (I care a lot about the endings and last impressions :p )

First episode is decent because I do hate annoying, arrogant, etc. MCs that he was. Got some sense kicked right at his face so that was nice to see. Things took a big turn in Ep 8 and again in Ep 11 (i think). However, there were a lot of okay episodes and :/ times that made it uninteresting. Ending wasn't as bad as I would expect, but it definitely was not good. Don't want to drag this on so..

Decent anime, entertaining to watch and funny at times, though not the best execution and story+plot has quite a lot of holes

{S} {A} {B} {C} {D} {E}

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