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Wimps all of you. I'm doing 17 credits and I'm up to date on all my main anime this season.... (except shirayuki where I'm still on ep 2)

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uran10 said:
Wimps all of you. I'm doing 17 credits and I'm up to date on all my main anime this season.... (except shirayuki where I'm still on ep 2)

Well I got 16 credits...but I'm also part of the Air Force ROTC program so that takes a lot of my time nowadays(I wake up at 3 am every Tuesday and Thursday for exercise with them too)

Not making excuses,but I barely got time for things other than class and Air force right now xD

Except Jojo...I always have time for Jojo.


Versus_Evil said:

Yeah I look at these shows that are 100+ episodes and I'm like "I don't have the energy to catch up" I'm glad I started watching DRRR when it started Coz trying to catch up 50+ episodes of that would kill me, watching the three episodes I've missed later is gonna be rough ^^ considering how slow it is. Grateful I'm up to date with WT.

I used to think that way.  I was intimidated by One Piece being at several hundred episodes (and thought it looked kind of goofy, as well).  Then I started watching it because my friend kept prodding and now I'm kind of jealous of anyone who gets to watch all those episodes of such a great anime fresh.  It's really kind of nice to have something to watch at any time, be it a free day where you can marathon a dozen episodes or a busy week where you can only watch one or two episodes.  They're all still there waiting patiently so it doesn't matter how erratic the pace.  Having to wait a week for new anime is tougher for me, personally.

uran10 said:
Wimps all of you. I'm doing 17 credits and I'm up to date on all my main anime this season.... (except shirayuki where I'm still on ep 2)

I also watch animes at 1.5x speed, if possible too! :D

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BasilZero said:
Aeolus451 said:

It's gonna be a while before you catch up then. 


Hmm we'll see.


It took me about 7-8 months to catch up to One piece from episode 1 to 650. Didnt skip any fillers.

It took me 3 weeks to finish Naruto - I skipped around 25-30 episodes only though and watched the rest.

Yes I finished Naruto right now - so gonna start on Shippuden :)!

Hmm That seems kinda fast but I never really keep track of how long it took me so I guess I'm not one to judge on what's fast or slow but still, it's gonna some time to catch up. I liked Shippuden a great deal more than plain ol' Naruto. I watched all of the episode of both for the most part. Letting Shippuden episodes build up a good bit. I hate waiting on weekly episodes. 

BasilZero said:
Aeolus451 said:

Hmm That seems kinda fast but I never really keep track of how long it took me so I guess I'm not one to judge on what's fast or slow but still, it's gonna some time to catch up. I liked Shippuden a great deal more than plain ol' Naruto. I watched all of the episode of both for the most part. Letting Shippuden episodes build up a good bit. I hate waiting on weekly episodes. 


Me too - on hating on weekly episodes.

The main reason why I started on Naruto is so I can get into the games on PC since they are based on Shippuden's characters/story.


Anyways after catching up to Naruto I think I'll watch some Korra/The Last Airbender too so I can play the Korra game I have on PC xD.


Next anime I will watch though will more than likely be Koyomimonogatari.

YYEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Monogatari series is always a good watch.


pokoko said:

t's really kind of nice to have something to watch at any time, be it a free day where you can marathon a dozen episodes or a busy week where you can only watch one or two episodes.  They're all still there waiting patiently so it doesn't matter how erratic the pace.  Having to wait a week for new anime is tougher for me, personally.

I'm the same way honestly. I like to have a few longer shows in my backlog while I'm simulcasting whatever catches my interest. I seem to get more attached to the universe and characters when I'm able to watch several episodes at once, and I'll retain information easier. 

I'm honestly a bit envious of people who can simulcast 20 anime every season and still know what's going on in every one of them. If I watch more than five I'll lose track of what's going on in which show.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

BasilZero said:
Shadow8 said:

YYEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Monogatari series is always a good watch.


Indeed - its the series that brought me back into anime after my 2nd hiatus ;p

Yea It's so different from everything else, in a good way of course . Definitely a breathe of fresh air and a show people should watch if given the chance.


Versus_Evil said:

OK... Holy shit Konosuba episode 8 was hilarious!

This seriously needs a second season, 11 episodes just isn't enough plus... It's such a good anime.

Ur lame.  DUDE.  It was OKAY.  It just keeps using the same jokes over and over.  This is maybe unfair but I hoped for more.  Also pretty obvious how it's skipping through content.  It's still good but I had higher aspirations.