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Versus_Evil said:

Yeah I look at these shows that are 100+ episodes and I'm like "I don't have the energy to catch up" I'm glad I started watching DRRR when it started Coz trying to catch up 50+ episodes of that would kill me, watching the three episodes I've missed later is gonna be rough ^^ considering how slow it is. Grateful I'm up to date with WT.

I used to think that way.  I was intimidated by One Piece being at several hundred episodes (and thought it looked kind of goofy, as well).  Then I started watching it because my friend kept prodding and now I'm kind of jealous of anyone who gets to watch all those episodes of such a great anime fresh.  It's really kind of nice to have something to watch at any time, be it a free day where you can marathon a dozen episodes or a busy week where you can only watch one or two episodes.  They're all still there waiting patiently so it doesn't matter how erratic the pace.  Having to wait a week for new anime is tougher for me, personally.