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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Ka-pi96 said:
Aeolus451 said:

My favorite romantic anime? Well, I don't really watch those that much so I'll pick the closest one that I like that fits that. Rosario + Vampire

Have you read any of the manga for that? If not you really should, the anime actually seems pretty bad after reading the far superior manga.

True the manga is superior in every way, don't know why they made the anime like that...still hoping for a remake that follows the manga right since it's one of my favorites.

BasilZero said:

I watched two episodes of the filler for Naruto.

Its some what main topic to the main plot but wow - the writing and the enemy characters are pretty bad l0l.

Yea man, told you so xD It's better to use a guide and avoid wasting time on those.


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As for favorite romance anime, I have a lot, but my favorite is Clannad without a doubt, love everything about it.

Favorite couple is from The World God Only Knows. Keima with the girl(not gonna say the name just in case) he chose in the end since I think they're so perfect for each other.


Favorite romance anime? Toradora, I don't watch many romance anime anyways.

Toradora is easily best romance anime.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Mine would be Kimi ni Todoke!!! That anime is sooooo cute! It really makes you cheer for Sawako!

And best couple would be Soushi Miketsukami and Ririchiyo Shirakiin from InuXBokuSS. Gotta love a S&M relationship

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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Ka-pi96 said:
Aeolus451 said:

My favorite romantic anime? Well, I don't really watch those that much so I'll pick the closest one that I like that fits that. Rosario + Vampire

Have you read any of the manga for that? If not you really should, the anime actually seems pretty bad after reading the far superior manga.

I don't read any manga whatsoever because it would ruin watching anime in a way for me. I guess it's a law that says whenever a show or film is based on something, it has to be different than it's source material. Once I've read the source material, I'll compare every show or film to it and if a lot of things are different, it will irk me. I know it's goofy but I'm fine with not reading any manga. 

Best romantic anime is Kare Kano.  In my opinion, I've seen nothing even close.  The first season is one of the most original and brilliant pieces of media I've ever seen.  Hilarious one minute and then melancholy and thoughtful the next.  There is still nothing like it.  Screw NGE, Hideaki Anno missed his calling as a shoujo directer.

The characters have depth and, despite appearing to be outwardly in control of their lives, they both have issues that influence their motives and responses to the world.  They hurt each other, they get mad at each other, and they misunderstand one another like real people.  They battle with their own insecurities.  It's amazing to watch after one of the cardboard romances in most anime.  The chase scene was fucking incredible.  Yukino is one of the best, most interesting characters in all of anime.

Second place is Kimi ni Todoke.  Very heartwarming and positive.

Third is Nodame Cantabile.  The setup of one falling in love at first sight while the other fights against falling in love the entire way is golden.  That they are almost exact opposites makes it even better.

Best couple, though, I'm giving to the MC and Misaki from Welcome to the NHK.  They are both so screwed up that they could not be more perfect for one another.  It's part of the reason that it's one of the best anime in the history of anime.

I watched Dead leaves shortly after it was released
it was awesome

HA! Everything I predicted about Mary was 100% correct! Fuck the haters. Mary is best girl!

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Versus_Evil said:
So continuing with the theme of love and romance.

What is your favouite romantic anime?

Also, your favourite Anime couple?

Ah man, Versus-sama...making me choose x.x

Favorite romance anime is likely Toradora. Everything about the show just was incredible appealing to me. It was an incredible emotional ride, and I found myself rooting for every character, which honestly doesn't happen often in these types of anime. It really hit it out of the park for me, and one of the few anime I'd give a 10/10. I honestly can't think of anything the show did wrong, other than maybe an underwhelming afterstory.

Favorite anime couple is a bit tougher. People that know me know I'm a massive shipper...and I pretty much have a favorite couple in everything I watch. Even stuff like One Piece, where the author flat out told fans to read something else if they wanted romance...I have a couple I like. Generally, I look for a few things in my fictional romances, and usually narrow it down to (1) canon support, (2) relationship development, and (3) yin/yang chemistry. Pretty general honestly, but I've found that every couple I've rooted for has had at least two of these qualities.

I suppose if you ask me in a few years, my answer will be different, but for the past year or so I've been a huge fan of Raku/Chitoge from Nisekoi. 

I find them so fun to watch, and love how they act like such a realistic couple, despite being in a fake relationship. The way they fight, make up, try hard for each other, laugh and have fun, it's so great. It's a couple I find myself daydreaming about on the way to work or at odd times during the day, which says a lot given how many other manga I read.

Woo! Spent more time typing this than I thought I would. Back to my other...important...things...*picks nose*

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