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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

vivster said:
There is a great anime that shows us how not to make us invested in the anime and actively tries to make us forget or miss things. Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon.

It's a fucking clusterfuck exposition dump with a big enough character zoo to not give a shit about anything. I dare you to watch it without 110% concentration and be able to recall the plot or any of the characters.

I had no idea what was going on while I was watching it.

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High School Star Musical

It was much better than i thought it would be. It was a lot "less" cringe worthy than i thought <--- Looking at you UtaPiri! The music sounds alright, i mean the beat is really good but the male voices sounds like your typical male idol anime singers which i dislike. Like how the harmony feels not right LOL =D The visual looks amazing! The dancing was alright too <----Again less cringe worthy than i thought. And another main reason why i would watch this is the Seiyuu/voice actors. Most of them are someof my fave voice actors <---- so a + one there!  

PS: The name itself could make it popular =D Remove the star and there you have it =D


Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Okay..... I AM SO HYPED FOR THIS!!! First of the sound effects are really good! The visuals are amazing as well <---- some parts in the fight scene can get a bit eh... and The characters ARE ON TOP!!! The guy is not your typical Harem Guy who get all blushing or shy when they see a naked female body =D and the main girl is your #TSUNDERE !!!!!!! <--- I love tsuns btw! Overall im excited! 



Dance With Devils

OMG!!! THE MUSIC!!! The music and the sound effects was fucking HEAVEN!!!! It sounded soooooo good! It really matched with the vibe/scene! The visual was really good too! I really love the royalty/harry potter design of the school. The characters are well designed as well. And for a reverse-harem show, so far it didnt made me cringe <---- Like most reverse harems out there =D This anime was the one that i was hyped for the most and ep1 did not dissapoint! 



Pocky Lover Boy! 

Dance with Devils episode 1 - Halfway in and I'm sawing at my wrist with a random cat. Don't know if I can make it all the way through. Send help--or a sharper cat.

pokoko said:
Dance with Devils episode 1 - Halfway in and I'm sawing at my wrist with a random cat. Don't know if I can make it all the way through. Send help--or a sharper cat.

Here's a cat dressed rather sharply.


LuckyTrouble said:
pokoko said:
Dance with Devils episode 1 - Halfway in and I'm sawing at my wrist with a random cat. Don't know if I can make it all the way through. Send help--or a sharper cat.

Here's a cat dressed rather sharply.

Sharp Dressed Cat dot img

Thank you for that.  You can never have enough well-dressed felines.

The rest of Dance with Devils ep. 1 was actually better than I thought it would be.  There were no more musical numbers and at least there appears to be something of a story to provide a framework for the harem-ousity of it all.  Super-Powerful, Wealthy, Handsome, and Elegant Vampire Prince/Studen Council President tropes still make me reach for small, edged animals, but I did like the dog and the heroine does have a cute pencil case.

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Ka-pi96 said:
pokoko said:

Thank you for that.  You can never have enough well-dressed felines.

The rest of Dance with Devils ep. 1 was actually better than I thought it would be.  There were no more musical numbers and at least there appears to be something of a story to provide a framework for the harem-ousity of it all.  Super-Powerful, Wealthy, Handsome, and Elegant Vampire Prince/Studen Council President tropes still make me reach for small, edged animals, but I did like the dog and the heroine does have a cute pencil case.

Are you saying it was like a musical? Wow, might have to drop before I even start it

There were two musical numbers in the first half, which is why I was really down on the episode in my first post.  They were seemingly associated with character introductions, though, so I really can't say how much they'll be incorporated into the series.  The rest of the episode, which focused on advancing the narrative, had none.

Personally, the only musical I like is Springtime for Hitler.  Otherwise, they bore me and I start looking at pictures of red pandas on my second monitor until the singing stops.  

Versus_Evil said:
So i geuss ill be catching up on a few shows ive been meaning to watch, now the seasons in full swing and its back to those week long waits. Geuss its the same for most of you? Ill start with about 5 shows.

World Conquest
Soul Eater Not!
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

What about you? What you watching from your backlog?

My backlog is spring season, which I actually wanted to finish during summer season -.- That means Nanoha Vivid, Grisaia no Rakuen, Nagato Yuki, Nisekoi and catching up with PriPara and Dragon Ball.

Sakurako-san is pretty neat. I hope they can keep it interesting.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru is the clear front-runner for best anime of the season, as far as I'm concerned.  It's quirky and interesting, which is why I love Japanese mystery dramas like Trick and Keizoku 2: SPEC.  I really like Sakurako a lot--and she makes me remember why I'm sick of school-girls.

Sakurako is even childish-yet-brilliant like Toma from SPEC.


Versus_Evil said:
So i geuss ill be catching up on a few shows ive been meaning to watch, now the seasons in full swing and its back to those week long waits. Geuss its the same for most of you? Ill start with about 5 shows.

World Conquest
Soul Eater Not!
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

What about you? What you watching from your backlog?

This season isn't looking all that great so I will probably need supplemental materials.  I have Psycho-Pass on tap but I'm not sure what else.

Ka-pi96 said:
pokoko said:

Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru is the clear front-runner for best anime of the season, as far as I'm concerned.  It's quirky and interesting, which is why I love Japanese mystery dramas like Trick and Keizoku 2: SPEC.  I really like Sakurako a lot--and she makes me remember why I'm sick of school-girls.

That's possible? :o

Relatively speaking.

Basically, I like women.  Also, school-girls in anime are usually rather thin cliches.  Discovering one with a complex and interesting personality is like finding a protagonist who can't overcome the odds.

More than that, though, it's that Japanese media so often seeks to dwell within the constraints of high-school when there is so much potential for variety outside those borders.

I just went ahead and re-watched all of The Irregular at Magic High School. Because there's nothing like a show with a sister complex, brother complex, an OP MC in basically every possible way, and a beautifully violent final confrontation to tide you over.