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Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru is the clear front-runner for best anime of the season, as far as I'm concerned.  It's quirky and interesting, which is why I love Japanese mystery dramas like Trick and Keizoku 2: SPEC.  I really like Sakurako a lot--and she makes me remember why I'm sick of school-girls.

Sakurako is even childish-yet-brilliant like Toma from SPEC.


Versus_Evil said:
So i geuss ill be catching up on a few shows ive been meaning to watch, now the seasons in full swing and its back to those week long waits. Geuss its the same for most of you? Ill start with about 5 shows.

World Conquest
Soul Eater Not!
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

What about you? What you watching from your backlog?

This season isn't looking all that great so I will probably need supplemental materials.  I have Psycho-Pass on tap but I'm not sure what else.