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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Sharpryno said:

I would have been perfectly fine with the original Xbox One but I know many others would not have.

I just wanted the ability to buy the disc, have it for later, and play without it. They are trying to bring this back and they must!

But they should have known people who get consoles are not the same as people who game on PC. Many don't even connect the device.

MS does not need a formal apology . Actions speak louder than words and they are doing great right now.

It just saddens me that Mattrick is making millions a year at Zynga.

Dont worry, he will probably take them down too and thats good for gaming.

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Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:

Well I guess that’s an answer.  I do have to say I consider it more like you do not have a real solid opinion so turn it on me.  I asked a question and gave my reason why I thought it was a smart move for MS to drop Xbox Entertainment since their new focus under Phil is games and gaining back the core gamers.

Not sure who post you have seen but I have said plenty of times what i believe MS mistakes were, bad policy, miscommunication, bad planning, way to corporate, missed opportunities, not keep the mantra of developers first, getting totally outclassed by Sony and a host of others.  Just because I do not view everything they have done as bad does not mean I do not acknowledge their issues.  The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  


With that said, I believe MS has also come back from their hubris.  Not completely but I see a totally different strategy and refocus on what will make the X1 a success.

Ok but like the video said, no one is saying these moves arent for the better for the gamer, its saying MS should apologise even if it is to a very tiny minority that did buy the console for all the TV TV TV stuff. Because the promises of that stuff is getting stripped out.

Like it or not the X1 was built on lies. But yes thankfully from a gamer perspective it is better than all that shit has been stripped out or made optional.

They said removing DRM was impossible, it wasnt

They said removing Kinect was impossible, it wasnt

This is where I differ in opinion.  You only apoligize if you were at fault.  MS was not at fault about what they wanted to do instead they were at fault at how they communicated their plan because it was not finished.

Maybe I just have a different opinion on what a lie is.  A lie would mean that MS told you they wanted to sell a digital console but in reality they really wanted to sell you a 360 with upgraded hardware.  This would be a lie if you bought the X1 on the assumption that it was a digital console but got a 360 based console instead.  Instead MS wanted to sell you a digital console but console gamers told MS they wanted is exactly how the 360 is today but with better hardware.  MS changed the system to reflect what the market wanted and released a 360 based console, removing a lot of the digital only features.  Not sure how thats lying but could you elaborate on your definition.

@ BOLDED:  This is why corporations need to make sure there is one cental place for such comminication.  When Larry Hurb (AK Major Nelson) made that comment, you knew he was going to get torched for it.  The reason why is because as we see today, one person not even the director of the Xbox division but just a marketing face made a comment which probably was done as a knee jerk reaction before checking in with the boss, is considered as a lie from MS.  

People get themselves into trouble like this all the time.  When Larry was interviewed by Anry Joe and he made the statements concerning the 24 hour check in and Kinect integration he really did not know the answer but he chose to answer the question.  It then becamed the Lie from MS when they did decide to change gears.  I believe this was a hard lesson for MS to learn because such interviews get posted on the net and discussed on just about every forum you can name.  If anything maybe Larry should apologize for making statements before he actually check in with the boss to see if they are correct.

Yeah i see you just dont understand the definition of a "a lie" then :)

Saying you will never do something and then doing it, means you told a lie.   It really is that simple, there may have been the best of intentions behind it but it doesnt change the fact it was a lie.

eva01beserk said:

They dont have to apologize. All they have to do is admit that it was a mistake and they wont try to enforce that in the future. I dont care if they are sorry, But as long as they admit is a mistake they wont try to do it again.

Microsoft did that to shut everyone up and keep themselves in the game. They STILL believe their DRM was the way to go. Its the same reason why Orth was let go by Microsoft when fans rose up against him online for defending Microsoft. Yusuf, Orth and yes even Spencer defended DRM and eventually Spencer gave and said Microsoft would be more " transparent". If an employee has to say their company will be transparent with consumers that it admitting that they are a company you cannot trust. Whether you like it or not consumers and businesses do have a relationship outside of money after a while. When a compay does well for so long they display the satisfaction of a consumer and that is also because the consumer trusts them. It takes time to build that. 

Sharpryno said:
tinfamous12 said:
Did he say anything about Microsoft pushing more AAA games in a year than any other consoles on the market?

MS is currently on track to put out more exclusives than Sony in its first year.

MS said 15 exclusives in the first year.

Sony promised 20 first party IPs in the ps4s first year of life and 12 of them would be new IPs.  I think Sony missed the mark. 

Not really hard, when they let the 360 die slowly since 2010. Sony on the other hand supported the ps3 even in 2013.

It will be harder for the year after that, way harder for ms.

WhiteEaglePL said:
Well it is currently failing in EU, and it had soooo many 180's....

Should have been called the Xbox 180!!! XD jk jk,

Never heard that one before.

"Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. When I am a child, creating, I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child."


Shigeru Miyamoto

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Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:

Well I guess that’s an answer.  I do have to say I consider it more like you do not have a real solid opinion so turn it on me.  I asked a question and gave my reason why I thought it was a smart move for MS to drop Xbox Entertainment since their new focus under Phil is games and gaining back the core gamers.

Not sure who post you have seen but I have said plenty of times what i believe MS mistakes were, bad policy, miscommunication, bad planning, way to corporate, missed opportunities, not keep the mantra of developers first, getting totally outclassed by Sony and a host of others.  Just because I do not view everything they have done as bad does not mean I do not acknowledge their issues.  The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  


With that said, I believe MS has also come back from their hubris.  Not completely but I see a totally different strategy and refocus on what will make the X1 a success.

Ok but like the video said, no one is saying these moves arent for the better for the gamer, its saying MS should apologise even if it is to a very tiny minority that did buy the console for all the TV TV TV stuff. Because the promises of that stuff is getting stripped out.

Like it or not the X1 was built on lies. But yes thankfully from a gamer perspective it is better than all that shit has been stripped out or made optional.

They said removing DRM was impossible, it wasnt

They said removing Kinect was impossible, it wasnt

This is where I differ in opinion.  You only apoligize if you were at fault.  MS was not at fault about what they wanted to do instead they were at fault at how they communicated their plan because it was not finished.

Maybe I just have a different opinion on what a lie is.  A lie would mean that MS told you they wanted to sell a digital console but in reality they really wanted to sell you a 360 with upgraded hardware.  This would be a lie if you bought the X1 on the assumption that it was a digital console but got a 360 based console instead.  Instead MS wanted to sell you a digital console but console gamers told MS they wanted is exactly how the 360 is today but with better hardware.  MS changed the system to reflect what the market wanted and released a 360 based console, removing a lot of the digital only features.  Not sure how thats lying but could you elaborate on your definition.

@ BOLDED:  This is why corporations need to make sure there is one cental place for such comminication.  When Larry Hurb (AK Major Nelson) made that comment, you knew he was going to get torched for it.  The reason why is because as we see today, one person not even the director of the Xbox division but just a marketing face made a comment which probably was done as a knee jerk reaction before checking in with the boss, is considered as a lie from MS.  

People get themselves into trouble like this all the time.  When Larry was interviewed by Anry Joe and he made the statements concerning the 24 hour check in and Kinect integration he really did not know the answer but he chose to answer the question.  It then becamed the Lie from MS when they did decide to change gears.  I believe this was a hard lesson for MS to learn because such interviews get posted on the net and discussed on just about every forum you can name.  If anything maybe Larry should apologize for making statements before he actually check in with the boss to see if they are correct.

You do remember that mattricks was also interviewed and he said that was indeed the issue and thouse without internet can get a 360. So he basicly said "then fuck you all who do not meet the requierement". This was one of the most circulating videos so im sure you saw it. That larry hurb was just a scape goat who got thrown under the buss to keep face, and was probably paid millions for that bullshit she said.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

daredevil.shark said:
oniyide said:
daredevil.shark said:

Yeah. I am writing and stearming. Couldnt finish it before writing comment.

probably shouldnt have done it then

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."     ------George Santayana

Your right sony did make that mistake. But does that give ms the right to do the same?(I see what ms is doing much worst but whatever). The worst part is that it was  amistake done by someone else and still they did not learn from it wich is why consumers dont seem to forget and wont let ms of the hook. So for people who keep saying hat sony did years ago, its even worst that ms did knowing it failed before but still arrogantly enouff did it anyways.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."     ------George Santayana

Your right sony did make that mistake. But does that give ms the right to do the same?(I see what ms is doing much worst but whatever). The worst part is that it was  amistake done by someone else and still they did not learn from it wich is why consumers dont seem to forget and wont let ms of the hook. So for people who keep saying hat sony did years ago, its even worst that ms did knowing it failed before but still arrogantly enouff did it anyways.

In sony's case its a "mistake". But when its microsoft its different. There is a line between "mistake" and "lie". Sony crossed it big time with PS3. And I will keep saying these because blind fanboys forget the history very soon.

sales2099 said:
Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

They didn't "Listen."  They did what they had to so Xbox would still exist.  


Let's say there is this guy who robs a store every day, but also relies on it for food.  Eventually he realizes the store will go out of business if he robs it every day, so he decides to stop or he won't have anything to eat.  He didn't stop because he listened to what the storeowners wanted, he stopped because he had no other choice.

Yawn with the comparing. MS, in order to keep Xbox in business, was forced to "listen" to see what the consumers want. Because all updates and features after launch were a direct result of listening.

Sure.  They were forced to listen, they did not decide to because they always put consumers first like they wanted us to believe they did.

daredevil.shark said:
eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."     ------George Santayana

Your right sony did make that mistake. But does that give ms the right to do the same?(I see what ms is doing much worst but whatever). The worst part is that it was  amistake done by someone else and still they did not learn from it wich is why consumers dont seem to forget and wont let ms of the hook. So for people who keep saying hat sony did years ago, its even worst that ms did knowing it failed before but still arrogantly enouff did it anyways.

In sony's case its a "mistake". But when its microsoft its different. There is a line between "mistake" and "lie". Sony crossed it big time with PS3. And I will keep saying these because blind fanboys forget the history very soon.

Are you really this dense? First of all Im a nintendo fan. Second I said sony made the same error and if you want it can be much worst, but thats not the point Im trying to make. The point is that it was recorded in history that the mistake or lie was made and ms chose to ignore it and still did the same thing even if you say to a lesser extent, the same mistake was made knowing it did not work before.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.