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eva01beserk said:

They dont have to apologize. All they have to do is admit that it was a mistake and they wont try to enforce that in the future. I dont care if they are sorry, But as long as they admit is a mistake they wont try to do it again.

Microsoft did that to shut everyone up and keep themselves in the game. They STILL believe their DRM was the way to go. Its the same reason why Orth was let go by Microsoft when fans rose up against him online for defending Microsoft. Yusuf, Orth and yes even Spencer defended DRM and eventually Spencer gave and said Microsoft would be more " transparent". If an employee has to say their company will be transparent with consumers that it admitting that they are a company you cannot trust. Whether you like it or not consumers and businesses do have a relationship outside of money after a while. When a compay does well for so long they display the satisfaction of a consumer and that is also because the consumer trusts them. It takes time to build that.