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Forums - Sony Discussion - TLOU Dev Fires Back At Those Who Feel $50 Is Too Much For PS4 Version “It’s a Steal”

Justagamer said:

So, what you're saying is that the original release of the last of us is an unpolished, unplayable beta?

no, but when it's taken to the PS4 it is

that's why there is a lot of "real work" in making it play well on PS4, contrary to your stance that "the real work was already done"

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Ka-pi96 said:
Madword said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Pretty easy actually. Lower price to upgrade but have to use your PS3 disc, or have purchased digitally on PS3 to play/buy the upgrade. It's been done before...

Has any game this gen done that? Or are you talking about PS1/Ps2 or P1-2 to PS3...

I've already said about digital purchase, if the Disc upgrade solution you suggest cannot work or is too much effort, why would you do it for digital only which would piss off anyone who wants the disc version.

Yeah just about every cross gen launch title did that. So COD, FIFA, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield etc.

That's not actually true is it....

In the PS3/X360 version there was an upgrade code.. because they knew people would want to upgrade to the PS4/XBO versions within a month or two.. so if you purchased and then wanted to upgrade, you could using that code. TLOU was out for 12 months - they didnt know they were going to do it at the time, there was no code... so no thats not possible.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

I dont see what the fuss is about. No-one promised an upgrade scheme when you paid for the game.
You knew what you were getting when you handed over your money for TLOU on PS3... you paid for a PS3 game.

Stuff like upgrade schemes and cross-buy are awesome, but if you buy a game today, you shouldnt expect to get those features if the game is released on another platform in the future.

This is a bargain for me because I havent played the PS3 version and I prefer DLC's on disc rather than digital.

It's a great deal for those that haven't played the game yet. If you have, then you probably should just skip it.

Lol.. All the fail analogies people come up with.. Seriously? Books? CDs? Blu-rays? Wtf? That's hardly an apples to apples comparison.

Anyways, everyone seems to forget existing owners. Which is fine. We'll see how the market responds.

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

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Madword said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Madword said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Pretty easy actually. Lower price to upgrade but have to use your PS3 disc, or have purchased digitally on PS3 to play/buy the upgrade. It's been done before...

Has any game this gen done that? Or are you talking about PS1/Ps2 or P1-2 to PS3...

I've already said about digital purchase, if the Disc upgrade solution you suggest cannot work or is too much effort, why would you do it for digital only which would piss off anyone who wants the disc version.

Yeah just about every cross gen launch title did that. So COD, FIFA, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield etc.

That's not actually true is it....

In the PS3/X360 version there was an upgrade code.. because they knew people would want to upgrade to the PS4/XBO versions within a month or two.. so if you purchased and then wanted to upgrade, you could using that code. TLOU was out for 12 months - they didnt know they were going to do it at the time, there was no code... so no thats not possible.

You do realize too that on the ps3 version came an online pass code, yes?  Even if you bought a second hand copy, you'd still pay an additional fee to access online?  Sony and ND already knows who owns the game on ps3 whether via season pass, individual dlc purchases, and/or most definitely via the one time online access code.  They could basically tie in an upgrade program through your account.  Hell.. How do you think digital owners last gen will feel?  

Allowing existing owners to continue playing with a game they already own is definitely possible. 

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

For anybody who has not played it, it is a great deal. For anybody who has already played it, the value is obviously much less.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

BillyBong said:

Allowing existing owners to continue playing with a game they already own is definitely possible. 

uhm? the PS3 version will continue working (on PS3) .. and that's what existing owners bought, a PS3 version

would it be nice from Sony's side to discount the PS4 version for owners of the PS3 version ? definitely, but Sony is in need of money as you might not have noticed and TLoU is one of their few profitable IPs, so that one has to deliver big on returns

in my opinion Sony already has done a lot to keep gaming affordable while delivering high quality games, they are allowed to finally reap some profits from their efforts

From ND's/Sony's perspective, I can see why they probably didn't include an upgrade program. I'm thinking they did the research and just determined that there just isn't much benefit to it.

The primary benefit of such a promo would be converting "maybes" into "yes". The math would then be (determined via consumer studies): Will enough "maybes" convert to "yes" to compensate for the cost of discounting all the yes' along with the maybes? Bear in mind this includes opportunity loss on lower profit margins due to promo'd products.

In a strongly polarized market base (strong opinions of yes/no, low number of maybes), or even a moderately polarized (same number of yes/no's/maybes) where margins aren't high, or in markets where the impact of the price change itself is relatively low (price inelastic markets), this usually isn't the case.

The reason some games (I'm assuming they released upgrade codes along with the initial purchase?) included it was in order to alleviate upgrading fears from its consumers in order to not affect initial sales.

My theory on the "good will" angle is very opinion-based so I'll not include it here.

MohammadBadir said:

I don't give a crap about "included DLC" or "higher resolution". You released a game 1 year ago, I'm not gonna buy it again for almost full price. The people who wanna buy it and go on ahead, I'm not going to support these 1 year old "remasters".

100% agreed. I wouldn't consider $50 for a one year old game a steal just for the better textures, 1080p, and the DLC. I'll get it when it's around $25-$30. 
Still not getting how people can compare this the WWHD, or Halo 2 Remaster... but whatever.">"><img src="