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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Overhyped Game of the Year so Far

generic-user-1 said:
phaedruss said:
starcraft said:
Raze said:
phaedruss said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Titanfall followed by MK8. Reserve my judgement on destiny till launch.

Yea I think there's a trio, Titanfall/MK8/Watch Dogs.

I think MK8 lived up to/exceeded everyone's expectations. Overhyped requires the game to be below everyone's expectations.

People that are saying Titanfall must be seeing something different to me.

Based on the information we have, Titanfall got an 86 on Metacritic with no campaign, is the highest-selling title on the Xbox One, and still has a healthy online community 4 months after launch.

It also boosted the Xbox One's sales at the time.

Were there some idiots saying it will be the game of the generation or single-handedly lead to the Xbox One taking a permanent lead over the PS4? Sure.  But only a tiny minority, and that does not equal overhype.

As some have said, the most obvious answer is Watch Dogs. Mario Kart 8 seems to have done quite well in terms of sales and quality.  Those games that are most overhyped might not actually be known yet, such as Drive Club, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and the Order...all of which are prime candidates.

Watch Dogs has sold more than 4 million already. I think it's just as high of quality as Mario Kart 8 or Titanfall, more so in some respects yet still overhyped.

but the game is bad, it looks horrible if u look closer, the story is meh and the openworld is just lame...  oh andthe hacking is stupid too.

It's not any worse than Mario Kart 8, in fact better in some way IMO. Hacking was a neat little gimmick, but ultimately it wasn't interesting enough yes. It looks horrible? As in the graphics? So what I guess.

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kupomogli said:
Intrinsic said:

And I am pro sony

Quite obvious even without your statement.

And so? Funny that is all you seem to pick out of my post.

On a side note, at least I will readily admit it. Have any ida how silly it is for those that act like they are platform neutral yet on a forum in a site like VGC?? That has to be the biggest lie on the planet. Kinda like going to a site for game cheats and posting in their forums that you don't use cheats.

Anyways, I don't know about you... but I know for certain that everyone here is a fan of one platform or the other, difference is that some are just crazy blind fans while some are at least objective.

obviously titanfall but to be fair, its obvious the developers were told to hurry up and release the first one and forget about the campaign mode.

KLXVER said:
AZWification said:

Easily Titanfall. I am not trying to shit on the game or something, but it was considered the CoD killer at one point and look at what happened after its launch!

Thats EA Folks!

I put a lot of blame on Microsoft and their handling of the marketing side of things. It was incredibly overpromised for a game with such limitations and one tied to such an antique of an engine.

It's also clear to me that they hid the 360 version due to it being functionally identical to the XB1 version. Funny to hear XB1 fans say 'but the 360 graphics aren't as good!', when that's exactly what they get with a majority of mutiplats vs. PS4. The game was the same, nothing next-gen about it, cross-gen on a 2003 engine, and chock full of filler textures, screen tearing, and framerate hits (that in some cases hit the XB1 more than the 360 port!).

I still think Microsoft had a hand in rushing it out, and that moving it to 792p from 720p was a terrible decision. Imagine if Titanfall was launching in Summer instead of March. And that the extra time let them get a decent SP campaign finished from a good 3rd party dev farm AND polish the experience enough for a solid 720p/60 with no tearing/drops.

Game is going to be worthless in under a year due to being replaced by a brutal combo of far superior FPS titles, and since it has no campaign to speak of, the disc will be a coaster.

Titanfall. It wasn't the revolution the press made it out to be, it failed to do anything for the X1, and it dropped off the map after release. It's the very definition of overhyped


Respawn wanted it to be the next COD and I'm sure EA and MS did too. Shackling it to the X1 was their biggest mistake, especially looking at stuff like WD's performance on PS4. Destiny is going to eat TF's launch come September

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Titanfall and Wacth Dogs :p Also, the PC version of GTA 5 because, well, beta testing peasants and mods.

starcraft said:
Raze said:
phaedruss said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Titanfall followed by MK8. Reserve my judgement on destiny till launch.

Yea I think there's a trio, Titanfall/MK8/Watch Dogs.

I think MK8 lived up to/exceeded everyone's expectations. Overhyped requires the game to be below everyone's expectations.

People that are saying Titanfall must be seeing something different to me.

Based on the information we have, Titanfall got an 86 on Metacritic with no campaign, is the highest-selling title on the Xbox One, and still has a healthy online community 4 months after launch.

It also boosted the Xbox One's sales at the time.

Were there some idiots saying it will be the game of the generation or single-handedly lead to the Xbox One taking a permanent lead over the PS4? Sure.  But only a tiny minority, and that does not equal overhype.

As some have said, the most obvious answer is Watch Dogs. Mario Kart 8 seems to have done quite well in terms of sales and quality.  Those games that are most overhyped might not actually be known yet, such as Drive Club, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and the Order...all of which are prime candidates.

Goddammit, no it didn't. I've been saying this since we got the numbers from March. First off, we don't know if Titanfall, itself, had any kind of affect because it was not only bundled, but had a price cut as well. But more importantly than that, March had 5 weeks. On average, March was a lesser selling month than February for the XBone, in the US at least, where the XBone sells best. To have an extra week of sales compared to a previous month is not an honest comparison. Everyone looks at February NPD and sees 258K XBones sold, then look at March and see 311K XBones sold and say "TF is a system seller!". Long story short, had February had 5 weeks of data like March did, based on its average, February NPD for XBone would have been 322.5K. It's not a valid comparison when all things aren't equal. PS4 went from 285K in February to 371K in March. Was inFamous: Second Son a huge system seller or something? It never really was in the past, but sales boosted almost 100K! Oh wait....PS4 only went from a 71.25K weekly average to a 74.2K weekly average, and I:SS released towards the end of March, so only a week or so of sales would be factored in. 

OT: Despite all the Titanfall comments, I'm gonna go against the grain and say Watch_Dogs. TF was hyped, people were saying "you'll buy an XBone for this game", etc etc...but after the 2012 reveal of Watch_Dogs, I don't think TF stacks up to it. Hype may have subsided when the game was "downgraded", but TF never got to the levels of WD hype, so WD wins.

I think Titanfall gave it a little bump. Not MK8 numbers, but still...

Another vote for Titanfall, not a bad game but it never felt like it was innovative enough at the end of the day to warrant the stratospheric hype it was given.

Without a doubt, Titanfall. Whether you love it, like it, dislike it, or hate it, Titanfall was lauded as a game changer when it wasn't even close to being so.