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KLXVER said:
AZWification said:

Easily Titanfall. I am not trying to shit on the game or something, but it was considered the CoD killer at one point and look at what happened after its launch!

Thats EA Folks!

I put a lot of blame on Microsoft and their handling of the marketing side of things. It was incredibly overpromised for a game with such limitations and one tied to such an antique of an engine.

It's also clear to me that they hid the 360 version due to it being functionally identical to the XB1 version. Funny to hear XB1 fans say 'but the 360 graphics aren't as good!', when that's exactly what they get with a majority of mutiplats vs. PS4. The game was the same, nothing next-gen about it, cross-gen on a 2003 engine, and chock full of filler textures, screen tearing, and framerate hits (that in some cases hit the XB1 more than the 360 port!).

I still think Microsoft had a hand in rushing it out, and that moving it to 792p from 720p was a terrible decision. Imagine if Titanfall was launching in Summer instead of March. And that the extra time let them get a decent SP campaign finished from a good 3rd party dev farm AND polish the experience enough for a solid 720p/60 with no tearing/drops.

Game is going to be worthless in under a year due to being replaced by a brutal combo of far superior FPS titles, and since it has no campaign to speak of, the disc will be a coaster.