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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Honestly think consoles are a dying breed, just like handhelds

When you buy a PS4, you should be able to pick up any PS4 game in stores or buy any PS4 game on the digital shop for the next five years and be able to run it no problem, having the exact same experience as the millions of others with identical hardware. Very appealing. No need to buy something in parts for more than a PS4 now and also pay to upgrade it over the next 5 years.

For the savvy user it's probably worth it to build that PC because in the end it will run better over time, the library is huge, and you can save money on a good number of games. And honestly it's not all that complicated and using a gaming PC rig is something I think all modern gamers oughta know how to do, but fact is they simply don't and would rather have undeniable convenience.

Consoles gamers as a population will only shrink if consoles become even more like PCs or if gaming declines overall, I think.

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The 3DS, PSV, and Wii U are all tracking way behind their 7th gen counterparts. The PS4 and Xbone had record breaking launches but are dropping like rocks now. Xbone has been behind Wii U for a month now and the PS4 is only 30k-ish a week ahead of it.

I wouldn't call that a trend just yet, its summer time,sales are pretty low this time of usual oct/nov/dec sales are gonna explode like always

on pc's you don't get exclusives from the big 3 mssonynin, not everyone likes manly multiplat games,and there aren't many great single player exclusives on pc that im aware of.... I don't think many ppl know what drivers are, most would assume its someone who drives a limo or taxi/truck..

plus ppl love to sell their games (or buy used),or let anyone of their friends borrow the game and not just a select handful of them on a friends-list use it.. I doubt leaving the physical console business is anywhere on their minds right now,their console itself is already making $$ for every ps4 sold (from what I read),they need the cash.. I would love an all in one type of device to stream ninmssony games from..probably wont happen anytime soon

No way for so many reasons but I'm way too tired to explain right now. But that's where I stand, and I think consoles are stronger than ever and there hasn't really been any generation defining titles yet... This gen is going to be bigger than any before it for consoles and I think the numbers (at this pace) back that up.

From someone who has worked in computer tech support, the average consumer tends to give up pretty quickly on PC gaming the first time they have to go through an entire update of their drivers just to get a game to behave correctly on their rig.

hadlee73 said:
From someone who has worked in computer tech support, the average consumer tends to give up pretty quickly on PC gaming the first time they have to go through an entire update of their drivers just to get a game to behave correctly on their rig.

The dumbing down of society continues.

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KLXVER said:
novasonic said:
KLXVER said:
novasonic said:
Not dying, just becoming more niche.


Consoles sell more and more with each generation. What exactly is your reasoning for saying that...?

The 3DS, PSV, and Wii U are all tracking way behind their 7th gen counterparts. The PS4 and Xbone had record breaking launches but are dropping like rocks now. Xbone has been behind Wii U for a month now and the PS4 is only 30k-ish a week ahead of it.




Lets wait a couple of years before we declare the doom of consoles...

Not doom. Not doom at all. Just shrinking market.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

I've heard of this argument back in 2000s. Look how the argument ended.

The console gaming space still overwhelming dwarfs the PC gaming space, because PC gaming doesn't do well with the laymen. You also have to keep in mind that the Xbox360 and PS3 are still being supported which is why a good number haven't made the switch. I agree that the numbers won't be as great as previous gens, but it's far from dying in my opinion.

Current Consoles: Gaming PC, Wii U, 3DS

The primary difference remains that some peple don't WANT all the things a PC can do.

That's why iPads are popular too. It's the internet and crummy internet games, without having to deal with all the stuff a PC can do.

Consoles will be around to offer no-nonsense gaming experiences, even if they have to take on new forms eventually.

Besides, saying that handhelds are a dying breed is peculiar, when the 3DS is selling at the same rate if not faster than the original Game Boy. It's just not as successful as the DS or the iPhone.

Gaming specific hardware may go back to being a niche product like it used to for reasons more related to price and availability. But would that have to be so bad?

think-man said:

The average joe can't be stuffed with PC's. Have a game that crashes on your PC and the average non gamer wouldn't know how to fix it, the joy of console gaming is everytime you put that game in it's going to run every time. No techie business needed.
