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The 3DS, PSV, and Wii U are all tracking way behind their 7th gen counterparts. The PS4 and Xbone had record breaking launches but are dropping like rocks now. Xbone has been behind Wii U for a month now and the PS4 is only 30k-ish a week ahead of it.

I wouldn't call that a trend just yet, its summer time,sales are pretty low this time of usual oct/nov/dec sales are gonna explode like always

on pc's you don't get exclusives from the big 3 mssonynin, not everyone likes manly multiplat games,and there aren't many great single player exclusives on pc that im aware of.... I don't think many ppl know what drivers are, most would assume its someone who drives a limo or taxi/truck..

plus ppl love to sell their games (or buy used),or let anyone of their friends borrow the game and not just a select handful of them on a friends-list use it.. I doubt leaving the physical console business is anywhere on their minds right now,their console itself is already making $$ for every ps4 sold (from what I read),they need the cash.. I would love an all in one type of device to stream ninmssony games from..probably wont happen anytime soon