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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Anyone else tired of the "indie boom"?

Tamron said:
No, i've played many games that resulted from this indie boom and theyve all been great

Coincidentally, I've played a lot of the so called "great" indie games, and they've either been good or average, and a few have just been terrible.  Again take note that these are the ones that are often praised for the value, and that may be the problem right there as well.  People may be confusing quality with value.  Just because you pay $15 or less for a good, okay, or shitty game, doesn't make it any better of a game, it just makes it a good, okay, or shitty game that's cheaper.  The games that aren't considered great, but still well known, those ones have been frequently below average compared to retail games in any gen imo.  There are very very very very very few that are actually great games.

Here's another thing people seem to never take note of.  You always hear that indie games are only $15 so of course they're going to be shorter.  But the same $15 indie game that's two hours long, also has much worse graphics than the retail games.  So that's three for three.  Less quality, less graphics, and less content.  There are games that do last you a lot longer, but the quality and graphics are still much worse.  

You get what you pay for, and for that $15, you're usually getting a game that's not even close to the value of the $60.  It's a reason I don't pay more than a couple dollars for indie games because they're rarely ever worth it.

Being an indie dev is a easy money maker.  If you can do something on your free time and say sell a game that atleast plays for $10 to 50,000 people, between taxes, Steam, etc, you're making 250k.  Split that amount between how many people worked for you, what assets you may have paid for, etc.  And if your game doesn't sell, put it on an indie bundle and you'll split the winnings with whoever else has their games on the bundle.

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I'll get tired of indies when AA come back e_e

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

kupomogli said:
Tamron said:
No, i've played many games that resulted from this indie boom and theyve all been great

Coincidentally, I've played a lot of the so called "great" indie games, and they've either been good or average, and a few have just been terrible.  Again take note that these are the ones that are often praised for the value, and that may be the problem right there as well.  People may be confusing quality with value.  Just because you pay $15 or less for a good, okay, or shitty game, doesn't make it any better of a game, it just makes it a good, okay, or shitty game that's cheaper.  The games that aren't considered great, but still well known, those ones have been frequently below average compared to retail games in any gen imo.  There are very very very very very few that are actually great games.

Here's another thing people seem to never take note of.  You always hear that indie games are only $15 so of course they're going to be shorter.  But the same $15 indie game that's two hours long, also has much worse graphics than the retail games.  So that's three for three.  Less quality, less graphics, and less content.  There are games that do last you a lot longer, but the quality and graphics are still much worse.  

You get what you pay for, and for that $15, you're usually getting a game that's not even close to the value of the $60.  It's a reason I don't pay more than a couple dollars for indie games because they're rarely ever worth it.

pay 15$ for an average game.

pay 60$ for a broken game.

Seems about right.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

No, I am not.

Like other pointed out before me the variety of games makes up for the large quantity of poor(sucky) games. As we all know there are some really nice games that pops up now and then.

And if smartphone games are the future there's not much we as gamers can do about it. There will always be some great games but they might be less frequent in the future. I do actually believe so.

If 50 million non-gamers are willing to pay $5 for a smartphone game that takes 3-5 months to make and only 5 million gamers are willing to pay $50 for an AAA-title that takes 3-5 years to make, then a simple calculation tells us what is the future. Less work and the same or more revenue.

i am way more tired of AAA game's then Indie at this point

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wangjingwanjia said:

And if smartphone games are the future there's not much we as gamers can do about it. There will always be some great games but they might be less frequent in the future. I do actually believe so.


If we gamers cant do anything about it, then gaming will die...

kupomogli said:
Tamron said:
No, i've played many games that resulted from this indie boom and theyve all been great

Coincidentally, I've played a lot of the so called "great" indie games, and they've either been good or average, and a few have just been terrible.  Again take note that these are the ones that are often praised for the value, and that may be the problem right there as well.  People may be confusing quality with value.  Just because you pay $15 or less for a good, okay, or shitty game, doesn't make it any better of a game, it just makes it a good, okay, or shitty game that's cheaper.  The games that aren't considered great, but still well known, those ones have been frequently below average compared to retail games in any gen imo.  There are very very very very very few that are actually great games.

Here's another thing people seem to never take note of.  You always hear that indie games are only $15 so of course they're going to be shorter.  But the same $15 indie game that's two hours long, also has much worse graphics than the retail games.  So that's three for three.  Less quality, less graphics, and less content.  There are games that do last you a lot longer, but the quality and graphics are still much worse.  

You get what you pay for, and for that $15, you're usually getting a game that's not even close to the value of the $60.  It's a reason I don't pay more than a couple dollars for indie games because they're rarely ever worth it.

Being an indie dev is a easy money maker.  If you can do something on your free time and say sell a game that atleast plays for $10 to 50,000 people, between taxes, Steam, etc, you're making 250k.  Split that amount between how many people worked for you, what assets you may have paid for, etc.  And if your game doesn't sell, put it on an indie bundle and you'll split the winnings with whoever else has their games on the bundle.

why arent the you rich with those mind reading skills,  i didnt mention any game yet youve played them? 


Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

pay 15$ for an average game.

pay 60$ for a broken game.

Seems about right.

Battlefield 4 right?  A game you probably haven't played and like all the other sheep, you just parrot everything everyone else says.  The average internet gamer.  

How about a game that looks like shit, plays like shit, and doesn't work?  Gettysburg Armored Warfare.  Because all indie games are going to work great, right? 


And even if Battlefield 4 was broken to all 100% of the people who purchased it, that doesn't mean that every $60 game is broken, just like Gettysburg Armored Warfare doesn't mean every indie game is broken.

kupomogli said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

pay 15$ for an average game.

pay 60$ for a broken game.

Seems about right.

Battlefield 4 right?  A game you probably haven't played and like all the other sheep, you just parrot everything everyone else says.  The average internet gamer.

How about a game that looks like shit, plays like shit, and doesn't work?  Gettysburg Armored Warfare.  Because all indie games are going to work great, right?

Wrong, Sim City

Also said pay 15$ not 10.

You're not really good at this are you maybe you should take a break, so you don't make mistakes out of exhaustion.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

MikeRox said:

The retro inspired games are designed to appeal to people who gamed back when those types of game weren't retro.

I don't like every indie game. I don't even like most indie games. However this constant snobbery towards them on the grounds that they are apparetly inferior to "real" games is rather grating.

 I'd say about 30% of "real games" interest me but with indies it's more like 0.07%. Hope that clears things up a little. I understand who the retro games are supposed to appeal to...doesn't mean I should like them.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler