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Forums - General Discussion - What year did you start to explore the wonderful internet?

1994 through the Calgary Freenet

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97-98 just hotmail and stuff. But rly started my internet addiction 3-4 yrs ago

Late 1993 with Mosaic. We didn't know any search engines then really, so we'd guess at time by typing in what we wanted and putting in .com (ex Then Netscape Navigator launched, it had search features, but it was too demanding for our computer, so it would quickly crash it.

I had ICQ very early on. My account number was close to 100 000. There are now 400 000 000 account numbers.

I had my first internet gf in 1996. She was 3 time zones away, so I started loosing sleep hours to be on with her. She really was a chick, we'd talk on the phone allot and she sent me pictures.


EDIT: I was on local BBS's long before that though. Playing text based games and downloading primitive gif porn. 

94-95 when I started to look for information related to X-files. *pathetic*

around 97 i would say....



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Started using the internet in elementary when I was 11, back in grade 5 I guess. We had to do some science fair project. We got the internet at home when I was entering grade 9 back in 2001, when we got a new computer. Man, I can't believe we had AOL for a year.

I was in 6th or 7th grade in '98 or '99 with the amazing 56k dial up modem. This was the first time my family also bought a pc too. I remember that thing. It was a blazingly fast Pentium 100 mhz processor. About a year or two later, I started learning about custom building computers, and the rest is history.

I kinda started in like 1995-96 using the AOL 4.0 "DISK" that I always got in the mail!! Man I hated AOL back then.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


Around April or May 2000, when we finally got a computer. That was the first time I got to explode the net on my own for my own entertainment.

before that was probably 98 or 99, with teacher supervision at school.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

1993, I used to play "Federation" a text-based online game, connected via a 14.4 modem via AOL, before it was unlimited access...

My Dad was none-to-happy about the 2 months straight $100+ AOL bills. I was 11, what can you do? Oh, right, he could ground me from the computer... :(