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Forums - General Discussion - Was Kennedy assassinated by a lone gunman? Or was it a conspiracy?!?!

It's possible that Lee Harvey Oswald is the lone gunman
the magic bullet is nothing magic

But Lee Harvey Oswald was assassinated too, that's tell you there was something big behind him

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fkusumot said:

 Actually, no. That little snippet does not support your case if you think that it was not a conspiracy. If you think that it was a lone gunman and a conspiracy you have some cognitive dissonance going on. Or maybe I've misunderstood you?

Actually, yes.

I said Lee could have done the job, to which you couldn't grasp.

However, that snippet, along with what I showed, just proves that much more that Oswald was solely responsible for the death.

There were three shots fired that everyone, as well as evidence backing it up, that Oswald fired three shots:

1.) The missed shot;

2.) This is the one that people get most of their conspiracy theories from: The hole in the back of Kennedy was not the entry wound, rather the exit wound. That's what Baden laid to rest, meaning Oswald was responsible for that shot as well;

3.) The fatal shot, which can't be argued, came from Oswald as well.

Now if there were another gunman, well he most certainly didn't play that much of a crucial or vital role. The only thing that would pinpoint towards another gunman is the "fourth shot," which people believe also missed JFK.

However, I don't think there was another gunman, and even your Wikipedia article states that it is "probable" and that it really isn't that impossible, but it doesn't say it's concrete.

That's like scientific data saying it's probable that OJ committed both murders, or it's probable that OJ and another culprit took part in the murders.

Basically what I'm trying to say is there was no fourth shot.

Famine said:

Actually, yes.

I said Lee could have done the job, to which you couldn't grasp.

However, that snippet, along with what I showed, just proves that much more that Oswald was solely responsible for the death.

There were three shots fired that everyone, as well as evidence backing it up, that Oswald fired three shots:

1.) The missed shot;

2.) This is the one that people get most of their conspiracy theories from: The hole in the back of Kennedy was not the entry wound, rather the exit wound. That's what Baden laid to rest, meaning Oswald was responsible for that shot as well;

3.) The fatal shot, which can't be argued, came from Oswald as well.

Now if there were another gunman, well he most certainly didn't play that much of a crucial or vital role. The only thing that would pinpoint towards another gunman is the "fourth shot," which people believe also missed JFK.

However, I don't think there was another gunman, and even your Wikipedia article states that it is "probable" and that it really isn't that impossible, but it doesn't say it's concrete.

That's like scientific data saying it's probable that OJ committed both murders, or it's probable that OJ and another culprit took part in the murders.

Basically what I'm trying to say is there was no fourth shot.

Okay. It's funny that mention the O.J. case since Dr. Baden was also one of the "experts" in that case. He testified for the defense, for O.J., in the civil case that O.J. lost. 

The stuff you posted above seems "likely" to me, but... I really want to know why the Committee thought it was "probable" that there was a conspiracy. I haven't looked it up in awhile but I think the records become public in 2029. Hopefully I'll still be young enough then not to have died from old age.

fkusumot said:

Okay. It's funny that mention the O.J. case since Dr. Baden was also one of the "experts" in that case. He testified for the defense, for O.J., in the civil case that O.J. lost. 

The stuff you posted above seems "likely" to me, but... I really want to know why the Committee thought it was "probable" that there was a conspiracy. I haven't looked it up in awhile but I think the records become public in 2029. Hopefully I'll still be young enough then not to have died from old age.

That's the thing, Baden showed an impossibility for OJ to commit both murders, and how the LA forensics office heavily botched the whole case. He didn't say that OJ didn't do it, nor did he say that he did it, just that there was too much tampering with the evidence.

That's why OJ was acquitted: You don't get sentenced because a person was most likely to commit the crime, you sentence the person because the evidence pinpoints the person actually carried out the deed.

Also, the Committee you mention did its work in 1978, whereas there has been continuing work on the subject conducted in regards to the fourth shot, which does make the Committee seem wrong with their conspiracy allegations. 

fkusumot said:

Okay. It's funny that mention the O.J. case since Dr. Baden was also one of the "experts" in that case. He testified for the defense, for O.J., in the civil case that O.J. lost.

The stuff you posted above seems "likely" to me, but... I really want to know why the Committee thought it was "probable" that there was a conspiracy. I haven't looked it up in awhile but I think the records become public in 2029. Hopefully I'll still be young enough then not to have died from old age.

I seem to remember hearing that they were scheduled for destruction like 20 years before they are scheduled to be released =P 



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