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Forums - General Discussion - Do you believe the first moon landing was fake????

it was real! and the conspiracy is a government conspiracy

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Well let me put it this way: if it was fake then we'd all be pretty stupid.

So yes, it probably was fake.

xstonexcold316x said:
it was real! and the conspiracy is a government conspiracy

No its a FOX conspiracy there the ones who aired the whole documantry years ago a caused such a stir.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

If you think it was faked I have a great club for you to join:

Seriously, some people just need to have their conspiracy theories like their peanut butter...extra crunchy.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Nope. I watched it live. It was a very exciting time to be alive. Trust me on that one.

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i think it was real i domt know i wasnt there!!

just ask Buzz Aldrin:

EDIT: @topic:

No I don't believe it was faked. 

stof said:
This should be a two part question. Do you believe the lunar landing was faked? And if so, do you realize how dumb you sound?

 Lol you sound mad...Any personal problems =p?

yea it was real, but you know what was set up and not doen by terrorists?

9/11 wtc bombings.

and i know i will get attack by a lot of americans for saying that but the evidence is shocking

It was real. The fact that the Soviet Union didn't challange its authenticity is proof enough for me.

@Captain. I agree the evidence is shockingly poorly thought out and put together ignoring massive holes in their argument, including the fact that the vast majority of experts don't actually believe that the building could possibly have been destroyed using explosives given the nature of its collapse and of the wreckage.