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Forums - General Discussion - Do you believe the first moon landing was fake????

LOL @ crazy cat man, I read that bit first then saw a cat on the vid when being introduced to the cat man lol.

But why was the flag waving in the 'wind' Stof, explain to me that!!!

I also heard that aliens were watching from behind a Moon rock too, explain that one as well (That's no shit either, that's a different documentary all together)

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ArtofAngels said:
LOL @ crazy cat man, I read that bit first then saw a cat on the vid when being introduced to the cat man lol.

But why was the flag waving in the 'wind' Stof, explain to me that!!!

I also heard that aliens were watching from behind a Moon rock too, explain that one as well (That's no shit either, that's a different documentary all together)

It's not wind. It's 1/6th Earth's gravity with no atmosphere. Pulling the flag in one direction will cause it to drift much differently than it would on Earth. Instead of falling, it would carry out in the direction it was pulled.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Ah because he was moving it

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

The flag as explained by the Badastronomy website.

Bad: When the astronauts are assembling the American flag, the flag waves. Kaysing says this must have been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag wouldn't wave in a vacuum.

Good: Of course a flag can wave in a vacuum. In the shot of the astronaut and the flag, the astronaut is rotating the pole on which the flag is mounted, trying to get it to stay up. The flag is mounted on one side on the pole, and along the top by another pole that sticks out to the side. In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ``wave'', since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isn't air that is moving the flag, it's the cloth itself.

New stuff added March 1, 2001: Many HBs show a picture of an astronaut standing to one side of the flag, which still has a ripple in it (for example, see this famous image). The astronaut is not touching the flag, so how can it wave?

The answer is, it isn't waving. It looks like that because of the way the flag was deployed. The flag hangs from a horizontal rod which telescopes out from the vertical one. In Apollo 11, they couldn't get the rod to extend completely, so the flag didn't get stretched fully. It has a ripple in it, like a curtain that is not fully closed. In later flights, the astronauts didn't fully deploy it on purpose because they liked the way it looked. In other words, the flag looks like it is waving because the astronauts wanted it to look that way. Ironically, they did their job too well. It appears to have fooled a lot of people into thinking it waved.

This explanation comes from NASA's wonderful spaceflight web page. For those of you who are conspiracy minded, of course, this doesn't help because it comes from a NASA site. But it does explain why the flag looks as it does, and you will be hard pressed to find a video of the flag waving. And if it was a mistake caused by a breeze on the set where they faked this whole thing, don't you think the director would have tried for a second take? With all the money going to the hoax, they could afford the film!

Note added March 28, 2001: One more thing. Several readers have pointed out that if the flag is blowing in a breeze, why don't we see dust blowing around too? Somehow, the HBs' argument gets weaker the more you think about it.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

This is what happens when you tell Buzz Lightyear he never went to infinity and beyond:


Around the Network
rocketpig said:
elgefe02 said:
rocketpig said:
elgefe02 said:
for me it was fake... a lot of theories are reasonable

Not if you've taken a few astronomy classes.

rocket Your monkey just insulted me...



Why do you think they had a delay, and lost the video signal...

Because it was 1969 and the signal was travelling 250,000 miles while bouncing from various pickups across the world? You do realize that you can't just "get" a signal from Luna, right? You do have to be on the proper side of the Earth to do it and technology of the time didn't give us the luxury of satellites, modern international communication relays, etc. etc.

It's not far-fetched to think that given the scope of this operation, things didn't work 100% perfectly while attempting to cooperate with several different countries to keep a continuous signal coming in at all times.

 or they were delaying just to control de broadcasting...


Those theories will always have two sides, and every side will have supporters and detractors...


The most famous case is the C in the rock:


Why does this rock have a letter 'C' on it? There is also a 'C' on the ground in front of the rock. The use of the letter C on film props is well known by the people in Hollywood and is used to show where the centre of the scene should be.

One sceptic on the Bad astronomy sceptics web group has even said it is a hair??? on both the rock and ground? Now who's trying to cover things up?


This site as a lot of theories about this topic: 


SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Note that when they drive the dirt does not curl around the wheel with dust but shoots up and out in an arc. Why no AIR

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

It was real...
but i do believe the 9/11 pentagon was not really hit by a plane because of the pure fact that there was no plane found after the crash...unless this is some donnie darko stuff and it got transported to a tangent universe. (:



elgefe02 said:


Why does this rock have a letter 'C' on it? There is also a 'C' on the ground in front of the rock. The use of the letter C on film props is well known by the people in Hollywood and is used to show where the centre of the scene should be.

One sceptic on the Bad astronomy sceptics web group has even said it is a hair??? on both the rock and ground? Now who's trying to cover things up?


This site as a lot of theories about this topic: 



Are you trying to say that the ground is a film prop? "Hey tom, go into the prop room and get the ground will you?"



I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. NG pretty much debunks every myth perpetuated here but sadly people would just rather talk out of ignorance than taking a few minutes to watch a video.