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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's Create The Worst Game Possible! Part 2: Story (DON'T post, please)

...But they get away in the nick of time! They continue to set off to the White House, but then a man in black...

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Forces you to actually watch the full movie, so you have to waste 90 to 120 minutes of the game watching it, he will then ask you 500 questions about it and if you get one wrong, he will force you to watch again.

sonnyb123 said:
Forces you to actually watch the full movie, so you have to waste 90 to 120 minutes of the game watching it, he will then ask you 500 questions about it and if you get one wrong, he will force you to watch again.

After finally finishing that, the man in black turns everyone back into humans. When they get to the White House, they realize that they have to get passed security to inform the President. So, what they do is...

What are you guys talking about, THIS GAME SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING!!

Just as the everything is about to go down, you remember that you have to pick up groceries for your mom. Oh no, gridlock! The next hour of the game is you stuck in traffic.

thismeintiel said:
What are you guys talking about, THIS GAME SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING!!

Just as the everything is about to go down, you remember that you have to pick up groceries for your mom. Oh no, gridlock! The next hour of the game is you stuck in traffic.

But all that is ruined by eveything here: (There's still real guns, though)

When they finally give the groceries, they start to drive back to the White House, only that there isn't traffic (I was about to type "chocolate" by accident. )

Suddenly, an old man gets out of a flying car, and says "We gotta go back!".

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you have to drive the flying car all the way to the whitehouse without crashing at all, but you can only look backwards while you drive. If you crash a trollface will appear on the screen and it will say "You crahsed, now I will crash!" and the game crashes.

Well, the edit is done, next!

Teeqoz said:
when the traffic finally clears out, you must drive all the way from the white house too your home in real time, without breaking any traffic laws. and your home is all the way back in...

Since I was first, you have to edit yours to continue off of mine! Muahaha!

Teeqoz said:

you have to drive the flying car all the way to the whitehouse without crashing at all, but you can only look backwards while you drive. If you crash a trollface will appear on the screen and it will say "You crahsed, now I will crash!" and the game crashes.

Well, the edit is done, next!

Once they get to the White House, a cutscene comes up and they crash into the White House and everyone except the people in the car die! Since the President is dead, they decide to inform the Military instead. The only problem, is...

They're against you! Now you have to battle all 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
4201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999 (totally not some of pi without the decimal point) of them. One hit and you have to restart.

sonnyb123 said:
They're against you! Now you have to battle all 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820949445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
4201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999 (totally not some of pi without the decimal point) of them. One hit and you have to restart.

On a side note, I know up to the bolded, so you can't fool me!

After you defeat all the enemies, and listen to all the Justin Bieber music, you finally realize you had to strengh to defeat the Acid Birds by yourself. The only thing is, they need to optain the...