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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stunning Zelda screenshots direct from Nintendo

toot1231 said:

i hate looking at these it saddens me



now i have to wait another 5 years and hope ill get a dark zelda.

I have a funny feeling this is what they WANTED Skyward Sword to look like on the Wii but just didn't have the power to do.  SS was too blurry for me on the Wii (great game though).


This Zelda looks fantastic IMO.  And if it's any consolation, the theme appears as if it might be darker.  And an open, seamless world.  What's not to like?

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Purely graphically speaking, I think it looks good considering the Wii U limitation.

But artistically and "immersivelly" speaking, this might the worse Zelda I've ever seen.

The graphics look great, but I do wish they were more realistic; thankfully we have the Dolphin emulator.

Twilight Princess in HD + texture pack

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

Zero999 said:
DakonBlackblade said:

Skyrim should never be an influence for a Zelda game, why does everything need to be open world now ? Thats not what makes a game good in fact open worldness often times kills the story telling and make you loose focus on important missions while you go after useless colectibles that are there just to try to give a reason for why every corner of the world exists. To be fair the Witcher 3 seens to be the first game that to be able to keep the story going and be truly open world and even that isnt a sure thing yet since the game only comes out next year.


Zelda games should play and feel exactly like Zelda games, this atempt to make the game be somethign it is not is what got ppl upset with Final Fantasy and Square Enix in the first place, dont try to make an Elder Scrolls Zelda make a Zelda Zelda.

it's not that everything should be open world. where did you get that? it's just that the zelda franchise is suposed to be open world and today, we had a dream come true.

99% (ye I made this data up but you get the picture, I mean a lot) of the games comming out this year and the next are Open World. And Zelda was never truly open world it is more a hub based game, you have an open world playground to get you from dungeon to dungeon in a Metroidvania style. Theyre talking about going GTA/Skyrim open world here, where you can simply take off and go wherever the hell you want wich most often than not results in a completly dumbing down of the games narrative. When youre gona say what makes Skyrim a great game the narrative is not something anyone even mentions.


Zelda is good because it feels like Zelda, we didnt fall in love with the series because it had big sprawling open worlds. Instead of getting inspiration from other games get inspiration from other Zelda games and itll look and feel exactly like Zelda should. Its all Im saying.


That said the whole open world thing may end up working perfectly if they implement it right. But I get woried everytime a developer comes and say,"oh its a big open world" these days. Lets all remember the most condecorated game of all times was the "Last of Us" and that game is a fully linear story driven game.Open worldness is not somethig necessary for a game to work, somehow developers currently think it is.

DevilRising said:
Why the hell would anyone ever complain about a massive, sprawling, open Zelda game?

And why the hell would anyone want full voice acting? Or was I the only one annoyed by the constantly repeated voice clips every time you get near anyone in Skyrim?

This game is hopefully going to be amazing.

Definitely much better having the noc's spout inarticulate noises every time you get near them.... Or not

seriously, people have the weirdest reasons for not wanting voice acting.  Stuff like it being more immersive (reading words mixed with inarticulate noises is somehow more immersive?).  Or like imagining voices more (really?).  Or annoying voices (voice acting has improved a ton in the last decade people).  Or there is your complaint of repeated voice clips (they dont have to automatically start talking when you get near them to have fully voiced dialogue).  All these complaints seem like somebody stretching to justify an opinion of something that they really dont know why they feel that way.  

Im sure the biggest reason people are against it is that it hasnt been done before.  Im sure once they do, nobody will complain about voices in zelda games anymore.  

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alright, for those crying how they don't like the graphics, let me remind you of the fact that the game is still early in development. Look at Wind Waker HD, they improved upon those graphics since the original screenshots and videos, why can't they do the same to clean the ones up here?

Zelda was never meant to look hyper realistic. It would just look strange if it did. Even TP and the N64 games weren't THAT realistic looking. They were more realistic, but they're also the ones whose graphics have aged the worst. Nintendo is right to go with the more timeless art style. The game looks GORGEOUS. People who don't see that are just in denial.

BraveNewWorld said:

The graphics look great, but I do wish they were more realistic; thankfully we have the Dolphin emulator.

Twilight Princess in HD + texture pack

Honestly I think Zelda U destroys that look.

So glad they didnt go with that artstyle. Witcher 3 would just destroy it. Going with a unique art style will set the new Zelda apart from other open world RPGs

I really dig the "new" (read; upgraded SS art style) art style, but it's just a tad too bright. I wanna see more =(

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EricFabian said:
OneTwoThree said:
EricFabian said:
gergroy said:
Please nintendo, for the love of god, please have the characters fully voiced!!

not Link, but the others yes

No voice acting. 

yes voice acting

Yeah I know :D Whatever they do, it will devide the fanbase. But for me it would be a serious downgrade. Cause I just know it would be cheesy. I'd rather read the cheesy fantasy stuff and hear funny gibberish.