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Forums - Sony Discussion - Despite Sony's denying it, The Last Guardian has been cancelled.

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kupomogli said:
Skidonti said:
The video was in 2010 I'm pretty sure. Not quite sure, but definitely not 2007.
And all i can say is yeah, ^^^, TGS. But I was a bit disappointed to not see it at E3 considering they thought it was big enough to show at E3 4 years ago...

I'll edit it to 2009, since I'm seeing Youtube videos for  that time frame.  Thought it was announced with a trailer in 2007.  I guess I was wrong.

Ah, yes. Even longer than I thought though... that doesn't give me any hope. I feel a Duke Nukem.

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Mystro-Sama said:
You really think people bought the PS4 for The Last Guardian? LOL! Joke of the year right here. They could cancel it tomorrow and no one would give a shit.


I would be disappointed. But I already am, so...

I think the denying of cancellation pretty much confirm is coming. I bet will come in 2015.


Also, dont forget to wear your tinfoil hat!

Not cancelled, just in infinite limbo.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda           


I don't get people's obsession with The Last Guardian. It's 2014...; yes the old trailers were nice but "everybody" is acting like they played Ico and Shadow of the Colossus (these games were never big); What's with the hype? I don't get it. If the game will ever come out, it will get great reviews due to hype alone... (and will probably flop sales wise)

Ex Graphics Whore.

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I dont think it got cancelled I just suppose it will be release but in the long future.

Mystro-Sama said:
You really think people bought the PS4 for The Last Guardian? LOL! Joke of the year right here. They could cancel it tomorrow and no one would give a shit.

Not many, but I think there are die hard fans out there that did on the assumption the game is coming to PS4.

Wasn't The Last Guardian in the top 50 preorders(even though for PS3) sometime before the end of last gen? 

If anything they're making it into another game and changed the name as well.

Maraccuda said:
Not cancelled, just in infinite limbo.

Yeah.  Silently cancelled and infinite limbo is the same thing.  They stopped working on it, but didn't really cancel it.

Stay calm, it hasn't been canned. It's getting reworked for the PS4 we will see something this year.