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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

DolPhanTendo said:

PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site. Pretty much falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

We know for a fact that WD boosted PS4 sales by 94% in the UK, so if anything the WW boost is smaller than anticipated.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

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bananaking21 said:

i been saying XB1 numbers in EU have been horrid since launch. people would argue with me, but here we are and Sony is winning with a land slide. around 6:1 sales in EU in the week of a major game releasing? its bad, and i know i said i expected XB1 numbers to be undertracked in the thread, but i dont expect them to be undertracked in EU, but NA. 

Yup, and the UK accounts for 60% of those sales. That's why I said it's dead in mainland Europe. The PS4 outsells by about 10:1 there. Maybe more this week.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

DolPhanTendo said:

PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site. Pretty much falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

Well, it's actually $400, and it's been so for 7 months already.

Also, why do people buy new smartphones when they can make phone calls on 8 year old cell phones as well?


As I wrote 15 minutes ago, I guess some people just enjoy being bitter...

they need to update the front page. good sales for the ps4 and wiiU.

Wii U did well as expected - with exception of Japan if it did 40/45k like I thought it would have been top spot... So Japan is the downside of home consoles at the moment!


Around the Network
fedfed said:
Wii U did well as expected - with exception of Japan if it did 40/45k like I thought it would have been top spot... So Japan is the downside of home consoles at the moment!

yeah damn japan. but then again,nothing is selling that amazing over there atm either

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

To keep the momentum Nintendo should release a good game every month until Xmas now...Not a MK8 game a month but some nice exclusive that will boost sales...

At least PS4 and XB1 should have less bigger release form now on....

Let's hope it will stay close to PS4 for a long period and keep XB1 at distance for the same length of time....

Do we know if next COD will be on PS3 and XB360 too? (if so it will have less impact on PS4 and XB1 HW)


fedfed said:
To keep the momentum Nintendo should release a good game every month until Xmas now...Not a MK8 game a month but some nice exclusive that will boost sales...

At least PS4 and XB1 should have less bigger release form now on....

Let's hope it will stay close to PS4 for a long period and keep XB1 at distance for the same length of time....

Do we know if next COD will be on PS3 and XB360 too? (if so it will have less impact on PS4 and XB1 HW)

Honestly there's really no excuse to have games for Wii U from Nintendo


Smash Bros


Bayonetta 2

Hyrule Warriors

Sonic Boom


that's one for almost every month left of the year. But damn they wont give us solid release dates and we still know nothing about poor Yarn Yoshi :(

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Aura7541 said:
I can see how Sony is not worried about the rest of 2014 despite The Order: 1886 being moved back to early 2015. The PS4 has such a huge edge with multiplats in terms of resolution/framerate and marketing that the multiplats act like exclusives.

Exactly. And there's a lot of those superior multiplats/exclusives still to come in 2014.

Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed: Unity
Battlefield Hardline
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Far Cry 4
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
PlanetSide 2
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
Project CARS
Sniper Elite III
The Crew
The Evil Within
The Last of Us: Remastered
Sports games (MotoGP 14, NBA 2K15, WWE 2K15, FIFA 15, Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, NBA Live 15, EA Sports UFC)
Indie games (Transistor, The Witness, Hotline Miami 2, Oddworld, etc.)

Possible additions: Deep Down, Final Fantasy XV, Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars, Red Dead Next, Resident Evil and Ultra Street Fighter IV.

jlmurph2 said:
DolPhanTendo said:
PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site pretty falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

PS4 is actually undertracked most tiimes.

Really? NPD was lower on both Xbox and Playstation then here. Plus this isnt including Japan's numbers yet

Do you think when Japan s comes WiiU will still behind. Im saying another 60- 70 000 in Japan while PS4 stays around 6.