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gamrconnect Most Wanted: June 2014 - Results!


The number of voters went down this month, but considering how the Pre-E3 edition is typically slow and last mowas the first 100+ voter month, the totals were still high.

Total Points 1417
Average Points 10.65413534
Total Votes 470
Average Votes 3.533834586




Publisher Appearances Points Votes
Nintendo 12 469 140
Microsoft 8 179 58
Sony 10 101 35
Square Enix 10 94 33
Warner Bros 8 78 24
Atlus 3 68 19
Bandai Namco 6 61 22
Electronic Arts 9 54 19
Activision 6 45 15
Ubisoft 6 42 16
Konami 3 39 11
Take-Two 3 21 8
Bethesda 5 19 6
Sega 4 18 10
Nippon Ichi 4 17 6
Xseed 2 15 6
Devolver 2 14 4
Capcom 5 11 6
Aksys 2 9 2
Slightly Mad 1 9 4
Gears for Breakfast 2 6 2
Paradox 1 6 2
Focus Home 1 4 1
Red Thread 1 4 1
Cloud Imperium 1 3 1
DrinkBox 1 3 1
Larian 1 3 1
Nate Schmold 1 3 1
CD Projekt RED 1 2 1
Frictional 1 2 1
Inti Creates 1 2 1
Oddworld 1 2 1
Shin'en 1 2 2
Visiontrick 1 2 1
Yacht Club 1 2 1
Celsius 1 1 1
Double Fine 1 1 1
Pencil Test 1 1 1
Prismatic 1 1 1
Spryfox 1 1 1
Two Tribes 1 1 1
Valve 1 1 1
Warhorse 1 1 1



Platform Appearances Points Votes
Wii U 20 414 132
PS3 11 113 37
PS4 34 320 106
One 19 226 76
PC 20 101 34
3DS 10 149 51
Vita 18 89 33
Arcade 1 5 1



Around the Network

Top 24 Skus

Title Platform Publisher Genre Points Votes
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Wii U Nintendo Fighting 152 39
X Wii U Nintendo JRPG 110 31
Sunset Overdrive One Microsoft Shooter 60 20
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS 3DS Nintendo Fighting 59 15
Final Fantasy 15 PS4 Square Enix JRPG 55 15
Halo 5 One Microsoft Shooter 51 14
Persona 5 PS3 Atlus JRPG 50 14
Uncharted PS4 Sony Shooter 46 14
Quantum Break One Microsoft Shooter 36 11
The Legend of Zelda Wii U Nintendo Action-Adventure 35 9
Bayonetta 2 Wii U Nintendo Action 33 14
Tales of Xillia 2 PS3 Bandai Namco JRPG 30 9
Destiny PS4 Activision Shooter 27 9
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire 3DS Nintendo JRPG 27 10
Tomodachi Life 3DS Nintendo Simulation 27 11
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Konami Action-Adventure 26 8
Watch Dogs Wii U Ubisoft Action-Adventure 26 10
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC Warner Bros WRPG 23 5
The Order 1886 PS4 Sony Shooter 20 7
Halo 2 Anniversary One Microsoft Shooter 18 6
Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 Warner Bros Action-Adventure 17 4
Persona Q 3DS Atlus JRPG 15 4
Tales of Hearts R Vita Bandai Namco JRPG 15 5
Civilization: Beyond Earth PC Take-Two Strategy 15 5


Top 25 Games

Title Publisher Genre Points Votes
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Nintendo Fighting 152 39
X Nintendo JRPG 110 31
Final Fantasy 15 Square Enix JRPG 63 18
Sunset Overdrive Microsoft Shooter 60 20
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS Nintendo Fighting 59 15
Halo 5 Microsoft Shooter 51 14
Persona 5 Atlus JRPG 50 14
Uncharted Sony Shooter 46 14
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Konami Action-Adventure 39 11
Quantum Break Microsoft Shooter 36 11
The Legend of Zelda Nintendo Action-Adventure 35 9
Bayonetta 2 Nintendo Action 33 14
Destiny Activision Shooter 33 11
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Warner Bros WRPG 33 10
Tales of Xillia 2 Bandai Namco JRPG 30 9
Batman: Arkham Knight Warner Bros Action-Adventure 29 8
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Nintendo JRPG 27 10
Tomodachi Life Nintendo Simulation 27 11
Watch Dogs Ubisoft Action-Adventure 26 10
Dragon Age: Inquisition Electronic Arts WRPG 22 9
The Order 1886 Sony Shooter 20 7
Halo 2 Anniversary Microsoft Shooter 18 6
Civilization: Beyond Earth Take-Two Strategy 15 5
Persona Q Atlus JRPG 15 4
Tales of Hearts R Bandai Namco JRPG 15 5


Title Platform Genre Points Votes
Sunset Overdrive One Shooter 60 20
Halo 5 One Shooter 51 14
Quantum Break One Shooter 36 11
Halo 2 Anniversary One Shooter 18 6
Fable Legends One WRPG 8 4
Halo Master Chief Collection One Shooter 3 1
D4 One Adventure 2 1
Forza Horizon 2 One Racing 1 1

The big general trend of the month for Microsoft was Sunset Overdrive gaining a lot of points seemingly at the expense of Halo and Quantum Break, which was recently delayed. Beyond that, Microsoft lacks 1st party hits in the known future, though it's still better than the 360 from 2011 to 2013.



Title Platform Genre Points Votes
Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U Wii U Fighting 152 39
X Wii U JRPG 110 31
Super Smash Bros 4 3DS 3DS Fighting 59 15
The Legend of Zelda Wii U Action-Adventure 35 9
Bayonetta 2 Wii U Action 33 14
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire 3DS JRPG 27 10
Tomodachi Life 3DS Simulation 27 11
Hyrule Warriors Wii U Action 10 3
Fatal Frame Wii U Horror 7 3
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney 3DS Adventure 4 2
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Wii U JRPG 3 2
Yarn Yoshi Wii U Platformer 2 1

Nintendo remains by far the biggest publisher, even in the aftermath of Mario Kart 8. MK8's release simply game Super Smash Bros for both platforms more room to shine, although excitement for X might be winding a bit down. Beyond that, Nintendo has got a few notable Wii U and 3DS games, though Tomodachi Life comes out in a week. As an aside guys? Voting for the next Zelda is a bit weird, considering how we've never had a single peek of the game. I mean, you don't see PlayStation fans voting en masse for Uncharted 4, do you?



Title Platform Genre Points Votes
Uncharted PS4 Shooter 46 14
The Order 1886 PS4 Shooter 20 7
Freedom Wars Vita JRPG 9 3
The Last of Us PS4 Action-Adventure 5 2
DriveClub PS4 Racing 5 3
Minecraft Vita Action-Adventure 4 1
Gravity Rush 2 Vita Action-Adventure 3 1
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines Vita JRPG 3 2
Little Big Universe PS4 Platformer 3 1
Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Racing 3 1


Despite the PlayStation family having hundreds of points worth of third party support, they are the weakest first party publisher, especially if you only take consoles into the equation. Uncharted  going to be a hit, and The Order looks to be solid, but besides that? The 1st part PlayStation scene is a bit lacking.

Can we post yet?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Can we post yet?

You deserve to be banned!

Around the Network
starcraft said:
Can we post yet?

Look at that thread. It should answer all your questions. Also check out Nintenacle's post. I think you know what you need to do. 


Sorry on behalf of the above posters Salnax. And myself ofcourse


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
starcraft said:
Can we post yet?

Look at that thread. It should answer all your questions. Also check out Nintenacle's post. I think you know what you need to do. 

Ban Smeags before he bans me?

Edit: Moderated by Starcraft - Banned myself to save Conegamer the awkwardness of having to do it himself.  And to protect myself from far harsher retaliation at the hands of Smeags or Salnax.

Let it be a lesson - ignorance is no excuse!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

WOW Nintendo is thrashing everyone! ( on hardware and having SKU's and Games at the top.)
(I assume we can post now after few posts...)

Despite being summoned in real life, I knew I should have left a post saying "To Be Continued" or something like that.

I'm going to make a new thread, and finish it promptly this time. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Salnax said:
Despite being summoned in real life, I knew I should have left a post saying "To Be Continued" or something like that.

I'm going to make a new thread, and finish it promptly this time. Sorry for any inconvenience.

It's no issue. Blame starcraft. 

Still he got his comeuppence I suppose so it all worked out. Hoppe your next one works out better




Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.