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Forums - Movies & TV - Anyone see Noah? Anyone know how or where they came up with the concepts for it?

Sounds like someone was really creative with its source material. I approve!

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We sure are lucky god took a Mulligan with the flood and everything. Just imagine how messed up the earth would be otherwise.

Also, you've made me interested in watching this movie.

I cant wait for the Passion of the Christ reboot driected by Micheal Bay.

But seriously the Noah movie is that weird? I never looked into it much but I thought it would be another dramatic bible movie, not a sci fi.

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The whole premise of the story from the bible along with a few other stories turned me off from Christianity. Sorry I can't believe in an ark being built and just two of each animal being loaded up and surviving months on end.  Christians believe in incest origin twice (Adam and Eve and Noah).

spurgeonryan said:
sethnintendo said:
The whole premise of the story from the bible along with a few other stories turned me off from Christianity. Sorry I can't believe in an ark being built and just two of each animal being loaded up and surviving months on end.

In this movie, Noah has some herbal recipe that puts the animals to sleep for all these months. Plus the movie explains everything. THe fallen Angels build most of the Ark.

Then my faith in Christianity is restored!  Makes total logical sense.

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Thats what happens when an athiest creates a biblical movie while on acid.


sethnintendo said:

The whole premise of the story from the bible along with a few other stories turned me off from Christianity. Sorry I can't believe in an ark being built and just two of each animal being loaded up and surviving months on end.  Christians believe in incest origin twice (Adam and Eve and Noah).

Don't forget Lot who had a drunken threesome with his daughters.

I liked Noah, but this made me laugh. You make some good points haha.

Angelina Jolie?? That was a joke, yes?

Here is a better version of the movie


spurgeonryan said:

In this movie, Noah has some herbal recipe that puts the animals to sleep for all these months.

Reminds me of SNL Hibernol commercial.