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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you buy Mario Kart 8 on ps3/x360 or ps4/XOne?(poll)


Would you buy MK8 if it was available on you're system of choice?

Yes i would buy it on a c... 181 28.37%
Yes i would buy it on a l... 24 3.76%
Wii-U is my main system s... 353 55.33%
No i'm not interested in MK8 80 12.54%
Dulfite said:
It is rather remarkable how many of the Xbox and PlayStation players there are that still love Nintendo's games despite not owning their console. If Nintendo ever does go third party, honestly I think their software would climb to insane heights.

I would like to play their games on better hardware.3DS games on Vita would be beast.They would be the bigest third party company.

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Probably get it on PS4

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

You forgot to include the 5th poll option:

"What a pointless poll, why did you bother creating this?"

That's like saying "Would you buy The Last of Us/Halo/God of War/fill in your fav. console exclusive on your favorite console?"

MohammadBadir said:
Honestly if you like a lot of games on the system then doesn't that justify buying it? especially with all the discounts?

If they're not buying it, then there's obviously not enough.

I'd totally buy MK8 on PS4. I would have bought that heavily discounted WiiU yesterday for it if they had any stock.

No. I dislike Mario Kart.

Around the Network

Nope, but I would buy LittleBigPlanet 3 on my WiiU since the franchise is very good!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

DerpSandwich said:
kreznik said:
DerpSandwich said:
Dulfite said:
It is rather remarkable how many of the Xbox and PlayStation players there are that still love Nintendo's games despite not owning their console. If Nintendo ever does go third party, honestly I think their software would climb to insane heights.

Dude, you're completely right.  They've got a whole world full of people that want to play their games; it's just that too many of them don't feel like shelling out three hundred bucks just to be able to do it, and I can't say I blame them.  Nintendo would make the most ridiculous amounts of money if they went third party.

Sony and Microsoft too.

Microsoft and Sony already don't have to struggle to get people to buy their consoles.  I don't see how they would benefit as much as Nintendo would.

From what I recall Nintendo made 65% of their videogame profits on the hardware and 35% on the software. How exactly would benifit more than the others?

MohammadBadir said:
DerpSandwich said:
kreznik said:
DerpSandwich said:
Dulfite said:
It is rather remarkable how many of the Xbox and PlayStation players there are that still love Nintendo's games despite not owning their console. If Nintendo ever does go third party, honestly I think their software would climb to insane heights.

Dude, you're completely right.  They've got a whole world full of people that want to play their games; it's just that too many of them don't feel like shelling out three hundred bucks just to be able to do it, and I can't say I blame them.  Nintendo would make the most ridiculous amounts of money if they went third party.

Sony and Microsoft too.

Microsoft and Sony already don't have to struggle to get people to buy their consoles.  I don't see how they would benefit as much as Nintendo would.

From what I recall Nintendo made 65% of their videogame profits on the hardware and 35% on the software. How exactly would benifit more than the others?

That might have been true when they were in their Wii hay day.  But right now, and even the generations before that, people just don't want their systems.  Most gamers will gladly buy their Playstations and their Xboxes, but they don't want to drop the money on a system just to play Nintendo games.  At the end of this gen when the Wii U has sold poorly to modestly and the other systems have sold 80 million or whatever, there's going to be no denying that Nintendo would have made more money just releasing third party.  Especially when you consider all the R&D and effort that went into a system that never got very popular.

I really don't understand how this is even a question.  Their systems (apart from Wii, which I honestly believe was a one-time thing) are struggling to stay relevant.  Sony and Microsoft are both in powerful positions and don't even need to consider going third party.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

DerpSandwich said:
kreznik said:
DerpSandwich said:
Dulfite said:
It is rather remarkable how many of the Xbox and PlayStation players there are that still love Nintendo's games despite not owning their console. If Nintendo ever does go third party, honestly I think their software would climb to insane heights.

Dude, you're completely right.  They've got a whole world full of people that want to play their games; it's just that too many of them don't feel like shelling out three hundred bucks just to be able to do it, and I can't say I blame them.  Nintendo would make the most ridiculous amounts of money if they went third party.

Sony and Microsoft too.

Microsoft and Sony already don't have to struggle to get people to buy their consoles.  I don't see how they would benefit as much as Nintendo would.

Weren't we talking about making money? Halo 5 would sell twice as much or maybe a little more if going third party, the same for Uncharted or God of War. And since Sony is losing money like crazy it wouldn't be a bad idea to going third party (and I know that their PS division is doing good financially). Actually, it is more possible that we see the video game divisions of MS or Sony going third party first than Nintendo. Also, don't forget how good 3DS is selling and how Vita is struggling globally (wasn't Sony not struggling to get people to buy their consoles? Or will we say conveniently that portable consoles doesn't count when it comes to judge the situation of both companies?), we aren't talking about a critical situation for Nintendo here. Even in the GameCube era the system was selling at a profit since the beginning and the GameBoy Advance did it real good too.


Who knows, maybe the next generation Nintendo would be back on top of the sales again or maybe not (who would have thought back in 2005 that the DS and that project Revolution would be the sales phenomenon that they were?) Maybe Sony will win this generation (in home consoles of course), maybe not, this is just getting started.

Conina said:
MohammadBadir said:
Lots of people love Nintendo games but hate Nintendo systems for some reason.

Probably because most Nintendo 1st party games are great but Nintendo hardware is mediocre at best.

Games are great despite mediocre hardware? So you are more interested in great hardware than great games? I suspect quite a few people fall into this category, people who get so focused on hardware that they fail to see the quality that really matters. The games.