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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 and Wii cross streams: Wii now ahead of PS4 at the same point in time


Will PS4 regain the 1st position?

Damn right it will! 165 38.73%
Not a chance, son. 259 60.80%

It has a fairly large chance of beating the Wii, life time sales. This is PS we're talking about here, Sony systems have good legs and keep selling well after the Gen is over. The PS4 just needs to be pumping out games soon (only 2-3 noteworthy games at the moment) and maintain healthy sales, something the Wii has horribly failed to do. On the chartz the Wii (last time I checked) is selling in last place which isn't good for the former market leader, and is still behind the PS1 and PS2 despite its earlier sales.

TL;DR: Slow and steady wins the race

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Wii was a true beast.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

The fact that PS4 is even in this conversation is impressive.

Wii was a real monster

jlmurph2 said:
Xenostar said:
With it being double the price I'm amazed it managed 27 weeks, great achievement.

Wii was super supply constrained for like 3 years right?


”The environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry” (Jack Tretton, 2009)

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jlmurph2 said:
Xenostar said:
With it being double the price I'm amazed it managed 27 weeks, great achievement.

Wii was super supply constrained for like 3 years right?


Well.. 2.5 years in they were talking about not having shortages soon...   Easy to find several articles from March 2009... talking about it..  3 years isn't that far off.

XBLive: cpg716     PSN ID: cpg716  Steam: Luv4Tech77

Predictions on 12/01/15 - Generation 8 Totals:

PS4: 85-95m
X1: 55-65m
WiiU: 20-30m

UndauntedWizdom said:
PS4 measures up to WiiU not Wii. Wii's 27 weeks feels like 27 years ago. Why's this even a thing? It's like comparing music album sales from back in the 90s when everyone bought music to today when far fewer people are buying music.

I know that there's a belief that the videogame market has crashed, but the PS4 has been out for 6 months. A bit too early to dismiss the next generation, don't you think?

Figgycal said:
UndauntedWizdom said:
PS4 measures up to WiiU not Wii. Wii's 27 weeks feels like 27 years ago. Why's this even a thing? It's like comparing music album sales from back in the 90s when everyone bought music to today when far fewer people are buying music.

I know that there's a belief that the videogame market has crashed, but the PS4 has been out for 6 months. A bit too early to dismiss the next generation, don't you think?

No dismissal at all. But it's obvious that consoles aren't selling like they used to. Especially in Japan. Wii killed in Japan and WiiU isn't. So what I'm saying is that the drop off in sales from Wii to PS4 isn't really news.

OT: Props on the Nas avatar. Greatest of all time!

I don't really think this generation will be 8 years like the last.. My guess is closer to 5 years. I do NOT think any of the consoles will hit 100 million in 5 years.

Generation 8 Totals:
PS4: 85-95m
X1: 65-75m
WiiU: 40-50m

So.. I don't think we will see the PS4 matching Wii totals.

XBLive: cpg716     PSN ID: cpg716  Steam: Luv4Tech77

Predictions on 12/01/15 - Generation 8 Totals:

PS4: 85-95m
X1: 55-65m
WiiU: 20-30m

jlmurph2 said:

I thought this thread was about Worldwide? But trust if the Wii was available like how the PS4 is/was for these 6 months, there wouldn't be as many of these excuses. Bottom line is that it's not logical for this gen to last as long as 7th gen with how fast tech is moving now. So if PS4 wants to sell more than the Wii, it has to do Wii numbers/better than Wii numbers, which it won't. What's gonna be the excuse when Wii passes it in western numbers too?

Come on, don't downplay it. Even PS3 still can pass the Wii. If that happens, the Wii will be behind PS1/2/3. PS4 will outsell the Wii easily. If you get the current PS360 share, add some growing because of the bigger market and considers that PS4 is getting a bigger share than X1 (because Sony is gaining share while MS is losing it), it is simply a giving.

PS consoles usually sells 25% to 33% of their LT numbers after the successor is out, with that logic even PS3 has a chance of passing the Wii. PS4 is more bound to land somewhere between Wii and PS2 numbers.

Despite that, your affirmation that PS4 has to sell more tham the Wii now is simply wrong. Wii tracked ahead of the PS2 for most of it's life, but it ended 60M units short of it. Sony usually does a great job in having consoles with long cicles to attend 3rd word countries and budget contrained people.

Despite gen lenght, tech isn't moving faster now. It is moving slower as we approach memory bandwidth/ transistor size limits. PS1 was a much bigger advance compared to SNES than PS2 were compared to PS1. In a similar way, PS4 isn't an advance bigger than PS3 vs. PS2 even with the extra time. Tech advances at a regular pace following rules like Moore's Law and there isn't shortcuts. A new console in 4 years  would simply look underpowered. The next gen will probably only happen when real time ray tracing becomes a reality and following NVidias roadmap for PC GPUs, we are still 4 years from that, plus the time needed to improve power consumption and price to put in a console, so we can count a good 6 years time to allow a sizeable jump. 9th gen will be all about ray tracing and devs will need a lot of time to adapt to that (since engines will need to be redone from scratch, but there isn't another way to improve graphics).