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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mages’ Xbox One Exclusives Cause Extremely Negative Reaction Among Japanese Viewers: 66.5% Displeased

Slade6alpha said:
shikamaru317 said:

Just wait till Microsoft drops a Japanese exclusive megaton at E3 or TGS. I've got my popcorn ready. 

You chose the correct GIF this time! I'm impressed! You've come a long way, LOL. 

Please be Mistwalker, or Platinum!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Mmmmm smell that?

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I'm surprised it's not higher actually.

Here's the problem with this poll, I read somewhere that people around the web were following the stream (people knew something was going to be announced) and also had access to the poll. It's probably tainted from haters outside Japan.

gooch_destroyer said:

Mmmmm smell that?

I don't get it :(">"><img src="

ctalkeb said:
Well. X360 got a lot of otaku-style PC games - most fans of the platform in Japan are either in it for that, or they are westaboos, so the announcement isn't surprising. I assume the bad reaction comes from all the people who would like these games, don't care to get them on PC and have no intention of buying an X1.

X360 Japanese support was non-existent after the first three years. PS3 was the console of choice for otaku-style games, easily.

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Slade6alpha said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Mmmmm smell that?

I don't get it :(

The hype.

Xbone will nuke in Japan.meaning its going to bomb out


Aerys said:

It's mostly because the games are delayed on other consoles to come out on microsoft console first. Legitimate.


If it was a real funded exclusive, there would be less negativity

Makoto Asada chose to put those games on Xbox One. It wasn't a Microsoft bussiness decision, nor there had to be money involved. There's no "delay". The game will release exclusively for Xbox One. Then, when 5pb feels like it, will release the games to other consoles.


People is just displeased because a japanese developer who likes the Xbox brand - and has an Xbox fanbase there, even if it sounds incredible - wants to show a bit of apreciation for them. It's as simple as that.


I can understand people getting a bit pissed off, but seriously.

coolguy said:
Xbone will nuke in Japan.meaning its going to bomb out

Damn straight.... Like an A-bomb. We gonna kill it. 


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

Maybe they are mad that they have to get a X1 to play them :P

Regardless, no console this gen will succeed in japan. So I don't care.

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