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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Squeeky bum time at the end.


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If we're rating goals then I think England's was better than Italy's. Pinpoint cross from Rooney. But italy's was great too, Italy seem to be having more shots, but England is looking solid. I was picking England to be the unlucky ones and not get into round 2, but with Uruguay losing to Costa Rica things are shaping up to be very competitive in this Group. It might come down to goal difference.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


England standing off them way too much

That Balo lob tho.


I hope this keeps up cause every mach so far in this World Cup has been fun to watch.

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Epic ending.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Rooney HAS to be playing more central in the 2nd half.


kowenicki said:
ktay95 said:
WTF was Hart doing just then O_O

had to close down in that situation.

Surely he could have pushed back though, he was given plenty of time. Instead he just kind of.stood still out of position. Was lucky a defender saved his ass.

Nothing going according to my plans!

Such surprises!

It must be the air in the Brazil. Lots of goals and fun football all around.