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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Now its tied again.
Please score again Russia.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Around the Network

Another day , and only 3 points for me it seems.

If Russia scores one more My day is saved, if not it's ruined. Go Russia!

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.


WHAAT: Kherzakov scored for Russia (1-1). GOLDEN SUBSTITUTE! However I think he used his hands (the other guy who positioned the ball)

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

Around the Network
vivster said:
If Russia scores one more My day is saved, if not it's ruined. Go Russia!

Do you have a bet with someone?

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

elazz said:
vivster said:
If Russia scores one more My day is saved, if not it's ruined. Go Russia!

Do you have a bet with someone?

No, its the prediction game. People predict the scores of matches before they start and you get points for it if you are right. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
elazz said:
vivster said:
If Russia scores one more My day is saved, if not it's ruined. Go Russia!

Do you have a bet with someone?

No, its the prediction game. People predict the scores of matches before they start and you get points for it if you are right. 

Yeah, I know about the game, people are apparantly really competetive with that. I play the one from Sony on my phone (xperia football challenge) and currently amassed like 40 percent of the total points available. I'm in the top 50 of Belgium and very badly worldwide :p

For this game I have predicted 1-1 so that would be good for me. Bad for you :p

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

Player2 said:

Wasn't Capello England's coach for four years? South Korea isn't anything special, so you should know what to expect then...

I liked Capello, and Id have liked to see him bringing through our younger players like Roy is now.

Capello had a great record for us really. Our goal that never was against Germany ultimately turned that game at WC2010 and our qualification for the Euro's was going really well before he resigned.

He is better than Russia.


A good game, better second half and a tie between Russia and Korea! My day is complete! :D

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics: