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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

+ Sonic Boom
- Batman Arkham Knight

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Sure could use an update.....

BasilZero said:

How is he hurting RPGs by choosing what he wants to vote in a VGC thread.....? o.O

I explained it earlier. Oh, and by the way, FFXV is dead.

+ Assassin's Creed Unity
-Mass Effect 4

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

NobleTeam360 said:

I hope people don't start down voting Zelda U. 

Not sure if serious? They already are, just not in as big of groups as the RPGs. It's only a matter of time. I haven't even bothered voting for it yet, it would just get it killed faster.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:

Your explanation has no merits. Same with your response about FFXV.

No dude, FFXV is dead, for real. It's out of the game. Your upvote doesn't count. Just telling you for your own benefit.

BasilZero said:

Oh my bad, made my edit.

I thought you meant something else XD!!!!!!!!

The OP isnt up to date.....I probably shouldnt of voted X__X.

Ah I see, lol. No, just this thread. In real life, it's anything but dead.

+ Evolve
- Sonic Boom

Will update soon, thanks Slade :)


1. The Division - 30
2. Mario Kart 8 - 21
3. X - 7
4. Evolve - 27
5. Halo 5 - 32
6. Uncharted 4 - 17
7. Bayonetta 2 - 29
8. Super Smash Bros - 28
9. Project Spark - 21
10. Yoshi's Yarn - 28
11. Deep Down - 20
12. Below - 30
13. Sonic Boom - 9
14. D4 - 22
15. The Evil Within - 36
16. Alien: Isolation - 2
17. Dragon Age: Inquisition - 36
18. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - 25
19. Batman: Arkham Knight - 15
20. The Crew - 17
21. Dying Light - 23
22. Kingdom Hearts 3 - 34
23. Mirrors Edge 2 - 33
24. No Man's Sky - 32
25. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 27
26. The Witness - 27
27. Legend of Zelda: U - 32
28. Far Cry 4 - 25
29. Metro 2033: Redux - 16
30. Earthlock - 28
31. Mass Effect 4 - 26


Fantasia Music Evolved
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Sunset Overdrive
The Order 1886
Fable Legends
Quantum Break
Final Fantasy XV
Assassins Creed Unity

Updated as of 08:15am GMT - Machina


If it's cool with you, here's my next round a few minutes early.

-Far Cry 4