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+ DA
- Far Cry 4">"><img src="

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I realise I'm a bit late with this suggestion, but perhaps the games that got disqualified should have been ranked backwards accordingly, so we can see what games lasted the longest more easily. Next time I suppose

Angelus said:
I realise I'm a bit late with this suggestion, but perhaps the games that got disqualified should have been ranked backwards accordingly, so we can see what games lasted the longest more easily. Next time I suppose

There will be a final tally (and still have to check the order of the first 4/5 games as I wasn't here)


Seece said:
Angelus said:
I realise I'm a bit late with this suggestion, but perhaps the games that got disqualified should have been ranked backwards accordingly, so we can see what games lasted the longest more easily. Next time I suppose

There will be a final tally (and still have to check the order of the first 4/5 games as I wasn't here)

Ah ok. All good then

+far cry
-smash bros

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+ Far Cry 4
- Mirror's Edge 2

+ Far Cry 4

+ Mirror Edge 2
- Witcher 3

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

- Far Cry 4

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Pavolink said:
Those who killed Zelda are going to pay it.

I would ban the users who down-voted Zelda U!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---