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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Digital Foundry confirms MK8 720p, No AA



"Fist-sized pixels" 190 35.78%
"But it looks AMAZI... 326 61.39%
Barozi said:

There were many threads about Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock Infinite and Crysis comparisons.

gladiator made the mistake to post the PS3 list as it's pretty well known that 360 is usually better for multiplats.

Red Dead Redemption = 1152x640 (QAA)
Red Dead Redemption = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Sleeping Dogs = 1152x640 (FXAA)
Sleeping Dogs = 1200x720 (FXAA)

Splinter Cell: Blacklist = 1152x640 (post-AA)
Splinter Cell: Blacklist = 1200x720 (post-AA)

Battlefield 3 is the same (just 16 vertical lines missing)

Bioshock Infinite = 1152x640 (FXAA)
Bioshock Infinite = 1152x720 (FXAA)

Crysis 3 = 1024x720 (SMAA T2X)
Crysis 3 = 1152x720 (SMAA T2X)

Metro: Last Light = 1152x640 (post-AA)
Metro: Last Light = 1200x720 (post-AA)

It's surprising how common stretch resolutions were last gen. We might still have some weird ones (like 792p) but they all fit into the 16:9 model.

Well, except The Order, but that's a somewhat unique case in general.

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spadesrole said:
Hedra42 said:

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

Why stick to the pc,were not asking for nintendo to make the most the most powerful console ever, just a respectable jump from lastgen, 720p/60fps no AA with decent graphics is not really a jump at all, infact its even a let down when you compare it 360/ps3 racers.

And this is where you and I differ - I couldn't give two shits about whether it's last gen, this gen, next gen or how big/small the jump is. For me, and for millions of others around the world, it is about enjoying the game with my friends and family.

And I think we should leave it at that.

vivster said:
Hedra42 said:

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

If people are able to make up their own mind how could I possibly be able to pursuade them to anything?

You really need to chill a bit. This is the VGC forum not an NSDAP conference.

Instead of just having fun with the game you just come here putting hurtful labels on people like me who just want to have a nice time before they have to inevetibly purchase the MK8 bundle.  :(

I have not put any hurtful lables anywhere. I have not been name-calling. If bashing MK8 because it 'doesn't come up to your standards', and calling Nintendo fans 'hypocrites' and a 'hive mind' is your idea of having a nice time, then that speaks for itself.

As I responded to the last poster, what you and I value in a game is vastly different. Let's each respect that, and leave it at that.

DerNebel said:
green_sky said:
DerNebel said:

People sure found alot to discuss when this game was still rumoured to be 1080p, but sure let's just sweep the facts under the rug.

Go ahead, discuss more. Curious to see what you have to contribute, DerNebel. 

OT: Seriously not even AA. MK is in an indie. Hype it up people. 

I just have to add that I said from the start that this whole 1080p rumour was very doubtful and that I find it very much worth discussing or at least pointing out that the game is 720p after all, when just 3 weeks ago we had a pretty big thread here where a whole lot of people just accepted 1080p as fact.

I really thought it would push the hardware and be 1080p. I mean wipeout HD is 1080p on PS3, GT5 has good antialiasing for its 720p, the Wii U should do better, 1 Go of memory for the developer, newer hardware.

Not that it change a thing for MK, the game is still visually excellent, and with the speed and fun, AA should not really matter... Just that I thought it would also be a tech demo that clearly shows that the Wii U is better than PS360, that we can have expectations in term of graphics.

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

If people are able to make up their own mind how could I possibly be able to pursuade them to anything?

You really need to chill a bit. This is the VGC forum not an NSDAP conference.

Instead of just having fun with the game you just come here putting hurtful labels on people like me who just want to have a nice time before they have to inevetibly purchase the MK8 bundle.  :(

What have you done? We already got past 300 replies, but then you had to bring in the Nazi reference.

I thought I saw it earlier somewhere :(

Also it doesn't count because I'm German.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

I thought I saw it earlier somewhere :(

Also it doesn't count because I'm German.

Do I sense pride in your words?

Yep. Proud to be awesome.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I thought there was some international law prohibiting the German people from feeling pride lest another reich break out.

Edit: Moderated - Starcraft

I wish MK8 was 4k 60 fps raytraced and so on. That would be great, but i'd be retarded to let MK8 not being that influence my buying decision.

I was thinking it would be 1080p but im fine with 720p.

The Legend of Zelda: Darkness U

HoloDust said:
KoopaKid said:
I guess artistic style trumps realisim i dont understand why people want real in video games dont we want a break from real life and the graphics whores are killing this gen i give 2 craps about graphics all about gameplay halo 2 looks terrible compared to today but i still love it for gameplay

Here's a mental exercise - imagine another version of this game, with the same art style, but on PS4 grade hardware. Would the gameplay be any better? No. Would it look (much) better? Yes.

Which version do you prefer?

Bottom line is, while gfx technical shortcomings of MK8 are nothing to be to bothered much about (at least for me), better hardware would surely provide for more enjoyable experience.

Idc about hardware i have a ps4 i dont ever want nintendo games on xbox 8r playstation nintendo games on nintendo system how it should be