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spadesrole said:
Hedra42 said:

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

Why stick to the pc,were not asking for nintendo to make the most the most powerful console ever, just a respectable jump from lastgen, 720p/60fps no AA with decent graphics is not really a jump at all, infact its even a let down when you compare it 360/ps3 racers.

And this is where you and I differ - I couldn't give two shits about whether it's last gen, this gen, next gen or how big/small the jump is. For me, and for millions of others around the world, it is about enjoying the game with my friends and family.

And I think we should leave it at that.