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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Digital Foundry confirms MK8 720p, No AA



"Fist-sized pixels" 190 35.78%
"But it looks AMAZI... 326 61.39%
spadesrole said:
Hedra42 said:
spadesrole said:
Hedra42 said:

Yes, I've seen it blown up to that magnitude, and I will reiterate - neither I nor anyone else will not be playing this game 18 inches away from a laptop screen.

it will look that messy on a 40+ inch, look we can make excuses for any game graphics by your standards, just be far away from your tv and any games graphics will look much better.

And like I said before, allow people to make their own decisions.

I have no problem with people, saying the game looks good, but to say it looks amazing is BS, 720p no AA is not amazing in 2014 by any standards.

Again, let people make their own decisions.

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vivster said:
Hedra42 said:

Yes, I've seen it at that resolution, and I will reiterate - neither I nor anyone else will be playing this game 18 inches away from a laptop screen.

I will play it on a 40" tv about 1.5m from my face which incidentally is the same screen I'm using right now to write this. So the jaggies I see in that picture I showed are the same I will see when I play the game.

Wait, if you are using your TV right now are you using a keyboard (so PC plugged into TV) or are you some kind of masochist that enjoys the slow burning pain of trying to type with a controller? :p

Ah yes. DF. "Case Closed" I guess. No one might as well buy the game now. lol

vivster said:
Hedra42 said:

You are bashing MK8. And nobody is forcing you to buy a WiiU. If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it.

So, this thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy, is it? You started the thread. Yet...

If console gaming is not up to snuff for you, then don't play on consoles. Personally, I was delighted when I heard about the 1080p 60fps claim, it was something I hadn't expected, and was very excited about. But when the confirmation came that it was 720p, I was disappointed but not bothered, it's absolutely fine. Is that hypocracy? I don't think so. And don't call me part of a hive mind.

You may have started this thread just by posting a 'fact', but since then you have gone out of your way to try and persuade that MK8 looks awful by posting pictures blown up for people to view on screens theyre not going to be playing it on, at a distance they're not going to be playing at.

This is sour grapes - if it's not up to your standards, then just forget buying your WiiU and shut up about it. Don't go spoiling it for others by trying to nitpick things they really are not going to notice while they're playing the game. Let the rest of us make our own decision without calling us hypocrites or a hive mind.

I am the biggest hypocrite of them all because I hate it and I will still buy a WiiU. And yes Miyamoto is forcing me to buy it. Someone has to help the hostages of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I don't think I spoiled MK8 for a single person on this forum. I don't think I would be able to.

I beg to differ. You spoiled it for me, and also this:

vivster said:
TheSting said:

 Seriously? Im not seeing any problems. Im getting a WiiU in the future. Ill be getting this game. Oh yeaaaaaa

Have you looked at them at full screen? Maybe you'll notice something then. Let me help you

 [MK8 no-AA meme.jpg]

This is not magnified. This is 1:1 cropped from a 1080p screen.

TheSting said: Does it look like that in motion?

vivster said: Probably worse since you will see the stairs flicker thanks to no AA.


You were having a damn good try here, and still continue to do so.

Guys, as I understand, review copies are not the same as retail ones. Lets wait and see, how it all will turn out. Also I have a feeling that game will receive its day one patch.

Around the Network
Hedra42 said:
vivster said:

I am the biggest hypocrite of them all because I hate it and I will still buy a WiiU. And yes Miyamoto is forcing me to buy it. Someone has to help the hostages of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I don't think I spoiled MK8 for a single person on this forum. I don't think I would be able to.

I beg to differ. You spoiled it for me

Are you telling me that my words are responsible for you not enjoying MK8?

I changed the opnion of a person I have never met over the Internet?

Best Sunday ever!

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Hedra42 said:
vivster said:

I am the biggest hypocrite of them all because I hate it and I will still buy a WiiU. And yes Miyamoto is forcing me to buy it. Someone has to help the hostages of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I don't think I spoiled MK8 for a single person on this forum. I don't think I would be able to.

I beg to differ. You spoiled it for me

Are you telling me that my words are responsible for you not enjoying MK8?

I changed the opnion of a person I have never met over the Internet?

Best Sunday ever!

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

cannonballZ said:
Red Dead Redemption, Sleeping Dogs, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Battlefield 3, Ratchet and Clank,Bioshock Infinite,Crysis 3 and Metro Last Light are just a few of the games on the list you provided that are sub 720 and still considered great looking games by most people.
cannonballZ said:
I saw the pics and vids, the game looks great. 

A huge complaint in the 360/ps3 gen? Really? I saw very few complaints of resolution for last gen games. Most people didn't even know that a lot of the games were sub 720 last gen and still looked great.

There were many threads about Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock Infinite and Crysis comparisons.

gladiator made the mistake to post the PS3 list as it's pretty well known that 360 is usually better for multiplats.

Red Dead Redemption = 1152x640 (QAA)
Red Dead Redemption = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Sleeping Dogs = 1152x640 (FXAA)
Sleeping Dogs = 1200x720 (FXAA)

Splinter Cell: Blacklist = 1152x640 (post-AA)
Splinter Cell: Blacklist = 1200x720 (post-AA)

Battlefield 3 is the same (just 16 vertical lines missing)

Bioshock Infinite = 1152x640 (FXAA)
Bioshock Infinite = 1152x720 (FXAA)

Crysis 3 = 1024x720 (SMAA T2X)
Crysis 3 = 1152x720 (SMAA T2X)

Metro: Last Light = 1152x640 (post-AA)
Metro: Last Light = 1200x720 (post-AA)

Hedra42 said:
vivster said:
Hedra42 said:
vivster said:

I am the biggest hypocrite of them all because I hate it and I will still buy a WiiU. And yes Miyamoto is forcing me to buy it. Someone has to help the hostages of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I don't think I spoiled MK8 for a single person on this forum. I don't think I would be able to.

I beg to differ. You spoiled it for me

Are you telling me that my words are responsible for you not enjoying MK8?

I changed the opnion of a person I have never met over the Internet?

Best Sunday ever!

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

Why stick to the pc,were not asking for nintendo to make the most the most powerful console ever, just a respectable jump from lastgen, 720p/60fps no AA with decent graphics is not really a jump at all, infact its even a let down when you compare it 360/ps3 racers.

Hedra42 said:

Nope, you're not responsible for me not enjoying MK8 - the game has not been released, yet. You have not changed my opinion, because that is yet to be made, once I put the disc in my WiiU.

What has spoilt it for me is that you've gone out of your way to try and disuadde people from buying MK8 or a WiiU for MK8. You consider you've won an internet fight - by the admission that you consider it an internet fight alone, it's clear what your intention has been all along.

If the number of pixels and smoothness is all important to you regardless of the quality of the game, stick to your PC. We all value things in different ways, so stop bashing MK8/Nintendo/WiiU, stop calling Nintendo fans hypocrites and a hive mind and let people make their own minds up.

If people are able to make up their own mind how could I possibly be able to pursuade them to anything?

You really need to chill a bit. This is the VGC forum not an NSDAP conference.

Instead of just having fun with the game you just come here putting hurtful labels on people like me who just want to have a nice time before they have to inevetibly purchase the MK8 bundle.  :(

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.