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Forums - Sony Discussion - Prediction: The Last Guardian will score a 73 meta or lower.

biglittlesps said:
bananaking21 said:

if it ever releases that is. so you heard it hear first guys, TLG will be an average or bellow average game. and it will score as such. im actually thinking it will be in the mid 60's but ill keep my prediction to 73 and lower. 

give me one good reason for the possiblity low scores from reviews. It will get this low score only if the gameplay fails from reviewers point of view otherwise its a good game atleast.

the question is, give me one good reason for the game to have high scores? team ICO? they been going through hell, key members left, and the game went through development hell. they are skipping a damn entire generation, and a damn long one at that too. games that go through development hell and take so long to release, which happen to be massivily hyped at that too, are often met with over expectations. add to that that the game wont be as good as people think, it will leave a bitter taste in reviewers mouths and end up with disapointment. and it will recieve low scores.

why on earth would i think this game will score really high like other people think? 

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If it is as beautiful as Shadow of the colossus, only for that it deserves 85+ and if it is a good game after all it will score 90 or something. Have faith in Ueda.

such an crap post.

Your prediction is based on what? The only trailer you have seen was from 5 years ago.

I won't even f***ing care about the reviews. This kind of game is always a bit weird in terms of reviews, especially now that there are SO many reviewers on the internet, and that there are SOOOOO many click bait reviews. Some will like, others won't.

I loved Ico, I loved SoC, and I will sure as hell love TLG (if it ever comes out).

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

It could be but only if Halo 5 The Guardians turns out to only merit a 67.

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Drakrami said:
such an crap post.

Your prediction is based on what? The only trailer you have seen was from 5 years ago.

chill dude. 

Nope. As long as it is developed by ICO it will score above 75. It's just so pretentious that reviewers wouldn't dare to score it lower because rating it high makes them look sophisticated.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

OttoniBastos said:
Ka-pi96 said:
I think it will review very highly, critics seem to like games like that, but be a commercial flop.

This^^ most game reviewers are "artsy" hipsters who will give lower scores for mainstream games(COD,BF,AC,FIFA) unless the game have somenthing different/innovative(titanfall) and will praise niche/artsy/different games(like journey,TLG,child of light) as long the game is minimally fun.

Could also be argued that a 5th time around, those 'mainstream' games become 'minimally fun'. The argument applies to both sides.

No, 90+ metacritic.

I can already imagine the reviews -

"I waited, it came, I played, what have I done with my life?"'
"Not worth the wait"
"All those articles I wrote, I was wrong"

On a more serious note, I think the game will be a disappointment and agree.

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