I hate the number thing. It is a good way to make clear it's the newest game.
Augen said:
7, ok screw it.
but 8 is the perfect name for this mario kart.
the 8 comes from the format of a track that only is possible to run in it with anti-gravity. this format of surface is known as moebius strip, and it have lots of mathematical proprieties, among them, it only have 1 side(the inside and outside are the same side), perfect for a racing track.
Subtitles have been used pretty much forever and now that we're getting to bigger numbers (greater than three), it's starting to look strange to have numbers as well.
Mario Kart 8 says no.
Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode
XBOX Live ID, Borode
I don't mind as long, as they don't go up to 5. At that point It's just overboard to me.
jonathanalis said:
7, ok screw it. but 8 is the perfect name for this mario kart. the 8 comes from the format of a track that only is possible to run in it with anti-gravity. this format of surface is known as moebius strip, and it have lots of mathematical proprieties, among them, it only have 1 side(the inside and outside are the same side), perfect for a racing track. |
I think they could have easily clled it Mario Kart U and been fine, but agree the 8 and moebius strip did work out, the game looks great.
Resident Evil 7
'Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll.'
-Shigeru Miyamoto
I still like how Bravely Default did it- the sequel is Bravely Second, and both names are gameplay mechanics :D
You're Gonna Carry That Weight.
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