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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart 8 Lacks Racial Diversity Says Reviewer (Update)

AZWification said:
Ljink96 said:
What do they want? A black Luigi with a fro? Considering that the only substantial character of color was Barret from FFVII I don't think any Nintendo characters would qualify. I always thought daisy was mixed and that Shy Guy was a white supremacist.

That's why DLC exists!

It Nintendo offers a black Luigi with a fro, I'd pay to download it.

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GoldenGamer said:

But it is ok for hollywood to make everyone white in Egyptian movies (Egyptians are not.white), DBZ and Air The Last Air Bender.Thor 2 was better BTW, but LOL@ white privilege.I expect more from gamers, but ignorance and racism affects all things.

You're right, that kind of thing IS stupid. But what about arbitrarily making established-as-white characters black, just because (ie just so they can say they have a black character), like Nick Fury, or The Kingpin, or Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman movies? Or casting a Mexican Jessica Alba to play Susan Storm, as if there was ANY shortage of white, blonde, blue-eyed actresses out there? People would be up in arms if they cast a white guy as Blade, or Falcon, or any other non-white character. But news comes out they've cast a black guy as Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) in the FF reboot? Almost no one blinks an eye. "White Priviledge" is one thing, but let's not also forget the silly "White Guilt" concept. And I say this as someone who is both part "white" and part "non-white".

How about they just cast characters to be the race that the characters actually are, and call it a day? It's called being true to the source material.

And as for this criticism of Mario Kart? Yeah, it is, in point of fact, as silly and petty and stupid as it sounds. lol

Goomba is yellow and Donkey Kong could be considered black....racial diversity confirmed.

NavyNut said:
Goomba is yellow and Donkey Kong could be considered black....racial diversity confirmed.

Really don't see why people say this.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Mario and Luigi are the only two actual humans in the game, they're both brothers.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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DevilRising said:
GoldenGamer said:

But it is ok for hollywood to make everyone white in Egyptian movies (Egyptians are not.white), DBZ and Air The Last Air Bender.Thor 2 was better BTW, but LOL@ white privilege.I expect more from gamers, but ignorance and racism affects all things.

You're right, that kind of thing IS stupid. But what about arbitrarily making established-as-white characters black, just because (ie just so they can say they have a black character), like Nick Fury, or The Kingpin, or Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman movies? Or casting a Mexican Jessica Alba to play Susan Storm, as if there was ANY shortage of white, blonde, blue-eyed actresses out there? People would be up in arms if they cast a white guy as Blade, or Falcon, or any other non-white character. But news comes out they've cast a black guy as Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) in the FF reboot? Almost no one blinks an eye. "White Priviledge" is one thing, but let's not also forget the silly "White Guilt" concept. And I say this as someone who is both part "white" and part "non-white".

How about they just cast characters to be the race that the characters actually are, and call it a day? It's called being true to the source material.

And as for this criticism of Mario Kart? Yeah, it is, in point of fact, as silly and petty and stupid as it sounds. lol

Nicky Fury is an exception. They're using Ultimate Universe Fury. He is black and was intentioanlly designed to look like Sam jackson.