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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart 8 Lacks Racial Diversity Says Reviewer (Update)

Salnax said:
Nem said:

Wow... i am speechless. Its none worse than the RE5 zombies argument...

The difference being, a white guy slaughtering hordes of black people in tribal outfits, infected or not, is a far more potentially offensive thing than the roster of a kart racer where a third of the racers are turtles.

Turtles? Peta won't like this.

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white characters? r u fckn serious? ok, I really try to respect everyone's opinion, honestly...

Nintendo is not to blame if you have insecurities, after all it's cartoon characters - .-

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

There was an update it seems! He still thinks the same? He must have a lot of free time to complain about this things. He should get a fucking job and stop complaining like a little bitch.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Salnax said:
Nem said:

Wow... i am speechless. Its none worse than the RE5 zombies argument...

The difference being, a white guy slaughtering hordes of black people in tribal outfits, infected or not, is a far more potentially offensive thing than the roster of a kart racer where a third of the racers are turtles.

Did people care when Leon killed all those Spaniards (genuine question) I don't remember any outcry, nor when Chris and co murdered all the Americans.

Isn't the entire thing perpetuated by a brit anyway?

Salnax said:
Nem said:

Wow... i am speechless. Its none worse than the RE5 zombies argument...

The difference being, a white guy slaughtering hordes of black people in tribal outfits, infected or not, is a far more potentially offensive thing than the roster of a kart racer where a third of the racers are turtles.

Its all in the eye of the beholder. I consider both quite reaching claims.

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Anfebious said:
There was an update it seems! He still thinks the same? He must have a lot of free time to complain about this things. He should get a fucking job and stop complaining like a little bitch.

You've read the article and are talking about it.

If he hadn't posted the article, you never would have read any of his stuff or even known of his existence.

"Clickbait" exists for a reason.

As a black man, this really does anger me. I mean seriously Nintendo, there isn't one single Asian in that cast.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


adriane23 said:
As a black man, this really does anger me. I mean seriously Nintendo, there isn't one single Asian in that cast.

Check again.

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