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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2014 NPD Thread!

US LTD of the systems:
Wii U=2347k

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

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vivster said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
vivster said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

It was pretty quite. But BenVTrigger revealed that PS4 is tracking better in May so far than it was in April. He also said that Destiny for PS4 nearly has the same amount of preorders Titanfall did near its launch.

And I forgot the numbers were on the top LOL.

That sounds disappointing. Not one ban for someone calling the xbox fanbase delusional? :(

This forum really is on a downward spiral of funlessness.

Not really. The general majority agreed that it was pretty bad month for everyone. Kowen's laptop died right as the first news came and many of the Xbox guys didn't post. There were a few delusional people TheDrill that were saying "NPD is definitely undertracking the X1," but yeah that's it. A boring thread, just like the sales this month.

Hm.... It seems domination of one brand is not only bad for the industry but also this forum.

I just hope you don't get banned for this post.


Or do I?

Except even the PS4 wasn't doing that good, and the Sony people were discouraged too. Some people tried to put things in perspective, but for the most part, everyone is too depressed to fight about anything. There were absolutely 0 bans in this thread. Of course, with certain passionate users being absent, that's not surprising.

This month:

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (PSV) - 18k
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (3DS) - 13k
Demon Gaze - 6k

Lifetime to date:

New Super Luigi U - >250k
Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze - >230k
Pikmin 3 - >230k
Rayman Legends - >100k
Sonic Lost World - >100k
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - >100k
The Wonderful 101 - 74k

HylianSwordsman said:

Except even the PS4 wasn't doing that good, and the Sony people were discouraged too. Some people tried to put things in perspective, but for the most part, everyone is too depressed to fight about anything. There were absolutely 0 bans in this thread. Of course, with certain passionate users being absent, that's not surprising.

But why were people disouraged?

Wasn't everyone saying that it's only natural for April numbers to be low?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Well well well, three predictions came true this week.

#1 MS will release an XB1 without Kinect this year.
#2 April sales of XB1 will plummet as it's retail price returned to $499 from $449.
#3 Cats rule.

May sales will be lower still since people will wait or pre-order the $399 model.

My 8th gen collection

Around the Network
vivster said:
HylianSwordsman said:

Except even the PS4 wasn't doing that good, and the Sony people were discouraged too. Some people tried to put things in perspective, but for the most part, everyone is too depressed to fight about anything. There were absolutely 0 bans in this thread. Of course, with certain passionate users being absent, that's not surprising.

But why were people disouraged?

Wasn't everyone saying that it's only natural for April numbers to be low?

I just woke up too, I read the whole thing because...I'm bored, I guess. They're discouraged because while April numbers are low, the whole industry is on a decline, people are calling doom across the industry. People were saying all sorts of depressing things, like that mobile and PC are going to take over the industry, VGC is useless (even though it was right about everything except Xbone and Vita), the leading console can't even get 200k in its first April, no one wants to switch to next gen because it's just an expensive graphical update with no effect on gameplay (that much is true), etc. Doooooooooooooooom!


But yeah, there were still a few that said April is always low like this, and PS4 is still ahead of last gen and even PS2 so far thanks to it's early good sales, so it's not all bad.

Yep... Vita's dead.

ICStats said:

Well well well, three predictions came true this week.

#1 MS will release an XB1 without Kinect this year.
#2 April sales of XB1 will plummet as it's retail price returned to $499 from $449.
#3 Cats rule.

May sales will be lower still since people will wait or pre-order the $399 model.

I think that last one was already confirmed a few thousand years ago by thuway.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

HylianSwordsman said:

I just woke up too, I read the whole thing because...I'm bored, I guess. They're discouraged because while April numbers are low, the whole industry is on a decline, people are calling doom across the industry. People were saying all sorts of depressing things, like that mobile and PC are going to take over the industry, VGC is useless (even though it was right about everything except Xbone and Vita), the leading console can't even get 200k in its first April, no one wants to switch to next gen because it's just an expensive graphical update with no effect on gameplay (that much is true), etc. Doooooooooooooooom!


But yeah, there were still a few that said April is always low like this, and PS4 is still ahead of last gen and even PS2 so far thanks to it's early good sales, so it's not all bad.

People shouldn't be sad and doom the console industry. They should be happy and doom individual consoles :)

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
vivster said:
Dammit. Just woke up.
Can someone give me a rundown?

Who had a melt down? Who was eating crow? Who was banned for laughing at other fan bases? How many doom posts for VGC? etc

X1 overtracked by nearly 100k, everything else was pretty spot on.

The numbers are in the title. I pretty much got that even before entering the thread.

I want to know about the DRAMA!

Dark Feanor (I think thats his name) embarrassed himself a bit other than that nothing.


OT: ioi should clarify some things here. 100k overtracking is insane. 

Also Vita is completely dead.