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HylianSwordsman said:

I just woke up too, I read the whole thing because...I'm bored, I guess. They're discouraged because while April numbers are low, the whole industry is on a decline, people are calling doom across the industry. People were saying all sorts of depressing things, like that mobile and PC are going to take over the industry, VGC is useless (even though it was right about everything except Xbone and Vita), the leading console can't even get 200k in its first April, no one wants to switch to next gen because it's just an expensive graphical update with no effect on gameplay (that much is true), etc. Doooooooooooooooom!


But yeah, there were still a few that said April is always low like this, and PS4 is still ahead of last gen and even PS2 so far thanks to it's early good sales, so it's not all bad.

People shouldn't be sad and doom the console industry. They should be happy and doom individual consoles :)

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