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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

This is extremely disappointing for next gen consoles but thank god I'll be playing this on PC.

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I'd prefer 1080p 20FPS or 1080i 30FPS over any lower resolution. I even enjoyed Perfect Dark on the N64 in high resolution mode.

Infamous SS Runs at 1080p at 30+ fps. It also looks better and has better particle effects from what we've seen. I guess it's that cross gen development.

setsunatenshi said:
kowenicki said:
setsunatenshi said:

I do understand the pointing out of what seemed to be a mistake (corrected in the meantime), but there seemed to be the beggining of a circle jerk (hope it doesn't sound offensive) from some x1 fans related to what in reality is yet another bad piece of news for the X1. Hence why I said people need to have some self awareness.

i dont think you read my post correctly.  I cant see how this is bad news.  900p v 792p.  so effin what!  seriously.

really? you don't see how it's bad news for an xbox fan?

2 games costing the same in which one version is clearly inferior visually to the other. How is that not bad news?

Do you feel bad that the PC version will cost the same while being 1080p 60fps? lol

jonathanalis said:
setsunatenshi said:
jonathanalis said:
So, they waited 2 weeks to launch to confirm this, most ps4 owners that pre-ordered it to tell everybody his console is superior cos it would run in 1080p 60fps...

Meanwhile, MK8 is doing 1080(?) 60, and with stunning visuals on the weak wii U.

are you comparing Watch Dogs graphical demands to Mario Kart? did you even attempt to think before writing that?

everyone knows that W_D is way more graphical demanded than MK, but knows also that wii U is far weak than PS4/one.

Is not a surprise to see a high demand graphic game achieve 1080p on ps4, and its comom to see a 720p game on Wii U, even not high graphic demand game.


So, it is really an oddity.


Watch Dogs is also multiplat and crossgen, while MK is an exclusive. Watch Dogs is an open world game while MK is a closed circuit 'kart' game with cartoon type of graphics, etc etc etc  :)

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RolStoppable said:
jlmurph2 said:
setsunatenshi said:

really? you don't see how it's bad news for an xbox fan?

2 games costing the same in which one version is clearly inferior visually to the other. How is that not bad news?

Do you feel bad that the PC version will cost the same while being 1080p 60fps? lol

Aren't PC versions usually $10 cheaper because there's no platform holder claiming royalty fees?

So essentially, PS4 owners pay more for less. This in turn means that they should be best friends with Xbox One owners, because they all sit in the same boat in regards to that.

you took the words from my mouth... and yes i'll get the pc version

jlmurph2 said:

Do you feel bad that the PC version will cost the same while being 1080p 60fps? lol

The PS4 and X1 cost the same amount, so it's only natural for people to have equal expectations of them ^^;

The better visuals of the PC on the other hand come at the cost of a considerably larger initial investment.

Well well, it always did seem a bit odd that 1080p 60fps was too much for a game like this. Perhaps late gen games will use the hardware more effectively and achieve that mark, but it's too much to expect it in early gen games like this.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


The Wii U version will probably be sub-HD and 60 fps....... Only if that version ever comes out of course!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

God thanks im playing WIldstar and will play WatchDogs when it is cheap on Steam

Hilarious...even the PS4 struggles.
X1 is expected but the PS4?