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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Waving The White Flag On Wii U? Only Forecasting 3.6 mill Shipments

burninmylight said:
Xenostar said:
As i said in the financial report thread, Nintendo are winding Wii U down now, they will have a new system out for xmas 2015.

Would not be surprised now if we never see a new Zelda game for Wii U now, development will be switched to whatever is next.

For a new console to be ready by the holiday season next year, they would have had to have been pretty deep into the R&D process right after the Wii U came out. 2016 sounds a lot more realistic.

Yeah if only they had just issued a financial result in the red due to lots of R&D costs. OH wait...

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Xenostar said:
burninmylight said:
Xenostar said:
As i said in the financial report thread, Nintendo are winding Wii U down now, they will have a new system out for xmas 2015.

Would not be surprised now if we never see a new Zelda game for Wii U now, development will be switched to whatever is next.

For a new console to be ready by the holiday season next year, they would have had to have been pretty deep into the R&D process right after the Wii U came out. 2016 sounds a lot more realistic.

Yeah if only they had just issued a financial result in the red due to lots of R&D costs. OH wait...

Yes, but those costs would have had to show up about a year before they did, is what he's saying.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Xenostar said:
burninmylight said:
Xenostar said:
As i said in the financial report thread, Nintendo are winding Wii U down now, they will have a new system out for xmas 2015.

Would not be surprised now if we never see a new Zelda game for Wii U now, development will be switched to whatever is next.

For a new console to be ready by the holiday season next year, they would have had to have been pretty deep into the R&D process right after the Wii U came out. 2016 sounds a lot more realistic.

Yeah if only they had just issued a financial result in the red due to lots of R&D costs. OH wait...

Yes, but those costs would have had to show up about a year before they did, is what he's saying.

In the day an age where consoles are just PC's, they could get this through if they needed too, and they certainly need to do something quickly.

Xenostar said:
As i said in the financial report thread, Nintendo are winding Wii U down now, they will have a new system out for xmas 2015.

Would not be surprised now if we never see a new Zelda game for Wii U now, development will be switched to whatever is next.

And what would that accomplish? 

Even if they came out with a new, powerfull console, how much better do you thing things would go? Wii U owners would be furious, myself included, and everyone else would still buy the other consoles becuase it's Nintendo. 

I <3 Classic Platformers!

Multi-console Owner FTW

It's not waving the white flag, it is called underestimating/realistic predictions. Last year they overestimated sales which caused so much disappointment to investors and to themselves.

Around the Network
Xenostar said:
Mr Khan said:

Yes, but those costs would have had to show up about a year before they did, is what he's saying.

In the day an age where consoles are just PC's, they could get this through if they needed too, and they certainly need to do something quickly.

But is that the kind of console Nintendo should be making? Whenever they try to make me too consoles, that's when they really get their asses handed to them.

Give the industry the finger that the industry has so resoundingly given them. Go their own way.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Good, now maybe in 2016 or 2017 Nintendo can release a console that is up to par with PSOne at a price tag of $199. I'd buy it.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Torillian said:
FromDK said:
Soundwave said:


Nintendo's new financials paint a very telling picture of how Nintendo feels about the Wii U -- they are forecasting only a paltry 3.6 million in Wii U shipments for the coming fiscal year. Even with Mario Kart and Smash Bros it seems that even Nintendo themselves no longer is expecting any kind of miracle turn around here, looks like reality has set in at the Kyoto offices. That means really Nintendo is starting to brace for a system that fizzles out around 17-18 million LTD most likely as the next year should be the system's peak year in sales. 

It also probably strongly hints that Nintendo is unlikely to resort to price cuts for Wii U as they did for the 3DS ... they view the system as a dud and are not going to incur more losses trying to save it as they are losing money as is. Also probably means that they're not going to spend a ton of money marketing the system -- Mario Kart 8 will get its push, and Smash perhaps too, but I wouldn't expect them to put a whole lot of money on a system they view as a sinking ship. 

I also finds this very low.. But one thing.

Not long ago nintendo started a big share buyback program.. mayby thay are not done..  (Higher estimate=Lesser share to Nintendo


Just looked at nintendo share value.. Actully they get 1/3 more at the moment than the norm 2 month before they annunced the program.. 1/3 more share.. thats pretty big.. could be a "motiv" to just keep to a "trend" estimate.. just saying :)


I think it's probably better for Nintendo fans to just assume that Nintendo made this low estimate in good faith and it's likely they don't see a big turn around coming in the future rather than postulate that they're concocting some kind of dubious scheme to decrease their share price to better fit their own needs which sounds dishonest at best and if it isn't illegal already it certainly should be.  

I don't see the problem.. (yes kind of grey zone.. but still perfectly legal)

Nintendo whent out public, and told about the share program. And based on curent trends, this is the way it goes.. Even if Nintendo hope for more and have fait in new things/games..  the estimate should still respond to current sales.. imo

And Nintendo fans like me. thinks it's good when controll (and a big rise in "Nintendo vault".. whitout we have to pay) goes back to nintendo

FromDK said:


I don't see the problem.. (yes kind of grey zone.. but still perfectly legal)

Nintendo whent out public, and told about the share program. And based on curent trends, this is the way it goes.. Even if Nintendo hope for more and have fait in new things/games..  the estimate should still respond to current sales.. imo

And Nintendo fans like me. thinks it's good when controll goes back to nintendo (the share program)

If they lowball their estimates of their expected yearly sales when they are likely to get higher than that in order to decrease their own share cost then they knowingly lied to investors to further their own goals.  I don't see how that couldn't be illegal assuming it could be proven.  But just because you can't prove someone did something illegal does not mean that what they did was legal.  


Wiiu I'd in trouble and isn't a good investment

it's predecessor wasn't any different, the sales in the front page dud nothing fir it, it's software support was cut years before Wiiu came out and I'd now a dead console

Wiiu will also die off as Nintendo just don't get it

I say what I said all along, ditch gamepad its rubbish anyway, smartphones and tablets have 1000 times mote responsive screens

sell gamepad as extra and bundle pro controller along with nsmbu and nsmlu with console as cheap as they can £129.99 and it will be a hit

Nintendo has to realise gamepad is nit wanted

even a Wiiu with pro controller along with wiimote/nunchuck albeit wired with s demo disc for £129.99 would be great news

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...