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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision spending $500 million on Destiny

that number is just way they make there money back.

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Lolz I'm sorry but this game doesn't look like it should even cost half of that.

I was interested in destiny. But in the end its an MMO. The omission of single played mode has turned my interest level zero.

Sure as hell does not look like a $500 million game. I doubt that they will break even, unless their is micro transactions and DLC out the ass.

Ok this is just too much money for a FPS....Did GTA5 even cost this much?

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From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.

And no PC version?

J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:
J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


What's confusing.  This is F2P is it not?  I don't recal hearing there is a monthly subscription for this game.

irstupid said:
Fusioncode said:
J_Allard said:
From that contract leak:

"Destiny will feature a number of DLCs, microtransactions, and value-added paid services "

Ewww, microtransactions. In a F2P MMO. Pay to win? I wonder what "value added paid services" will mean.


What's confusing.  This is F2P is it not?  I don't recal hearing there is a monthly subscription for this game.

Pretty sure it's just a normal $60 game. I haven't heard anything about a subscription or F2P model. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!