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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision spending $500 million on Destiny

NiKKoM said:
bananaking21 said:

they are probably gonna release sequels to it instead of expansions. they are just commiting to the franchise for 10 years or so. 

the contract was leaked ages ago... every 2 years a new game (4 titles) and inbetween the years an expansion pack

yeah i remember that. im betting the expansion is pretty much going to be just some sort of DLC.


also, considering the game got delayed for a year and dev time is taking more than usual, i wonder if the sequels will take 2 years to develop now. i wouldnt be surprised if they release a game every 3 years now. 

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bananaking21 said:
NiKKoM said:

the contract was leaked ages ago... every 2 years a new game (4 titles) and inbetween the years an expansion pack

yeah i remember that. im betting the expansion is pretty much going to be just some sort of DLC.


also, considering the game got delayed for a year and dev time is taking more than usual, i wonder if the sequels will take 2 years to develop now. i wouldnt be surprised if they release a game every 3 years now. 

The Activision Bungie contract is for 10 years.. no way activision is letting them have a 3 year release and losing a 4th game..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
bananaking21 said:
NiKKoM said:

the contract was leaked ages ago... every 2 years a new game (4 titles) and inbetween the years an expansion pack

yeah i remember that. im betting the expansion is pretty much going to be just some sort of DLC.


also, considering the game got delayed for a year and dev time is taking more than usual, i wonder if the sequels will take 2 years to develop now. i wouldnt be surprised if they release a game every 3 years now. 

The Activision Bungie contract is for 10 years.. no way activision is letting them have a 3 year release and losing a 4th game..

not sure how these things work, but theoratically, couldnt they make another contract for a longer period to give more dev time?

bananaking21 said:

not sure how these things work, but theoratically, couldnt they make another contract for a longer period to give more dev time?

Sure they could.. but its activision...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
bananaking21 said:

not sure how these things work, but theoratically, couldnt they make another contract for a longer period to give more dev time?

Sure they could.. but its activision...


they already gave them another year, wouldnt be surprised if they gave them more. plus, im sure they would want to keep working with them after the 10 years are done, so doing what you just probably wouldnt be in their best interest long term. 


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They're investing to try to establish the franchise and are quite clearly aiming for a bunch of sequels and spin-off's in the future, basically a new Halo. Whether or not they'll succeed is another matter though, this is a fairly big risk to take in my opinion and these are already hard times for most developers.

bananaking21 said:


they already gave them another year, wouldnt be surprised if they gave them more. plus, im sure they would want to keep working with them after the 10 years are done, so doing what you just probably wouldnt be in their best interest long term. 

if Bungie was a small studio with 100 people sure that would be possible.. but Bungie is a 500 people studio.. an extra year dev time would cost them millions..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

For a generic shooter with close to no new ideas? 500 million? Really? jk
Well, it better sells well on all systems because only with PS4 this won't turn out profitable.

That's a huge amount of money for a new IP. They must have high sales expectations for this game for them to be able to spend that kind of money.

ImmortalHelixFossil said:
It's a long term investment:O

Knowing Activision, "Long Term" could mean 12 months if it doesn't take off immediately. One thing is certain: If this game takes off, this will be their next cash cow.