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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision spending $500 million on Destiny

fatslob-:O said:
tbone51 said:
fatslob-:O said:
Holy shit ... This is more than what Cliff Bleszinski predicted that some "AAA" title needing 10 million copies to break even.

10mil? Im thinking 13-15mil 

LOL The game would need 17 million copies to break even assuming that you only get a $30 cut for each copy. 

hmmm... I think $30 if it was first party, maybe its $24-$26 profit (per game), the other $4-$6 for the company HW. 

Wonde if anybody knows, it would help estimate. $500mil god damn o.O

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Not really a risky bet.

Mark my words, they will make this back within a year and then onward double and triple that amount.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

even it does not sell 16mil, the DLC will make for it

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tbone51 said:

hmmm... I think $30 if it was first party, maybe its $24-$26 profit (per game), the other $4-$6 for the company HW. 

Wonde if anybody knows, it would help estimate. $500mil god damn o.O

It's more like $34 if you count in that $7 that says "platform royalty" which I assume is the console manufacturers cut. I only rounded to $30 cause I was too lazy. 

vivster said:

Not really a risky bet.

Mark my words, they will make this back within a year and then onward double and triple that amount.

As Fatslob showed us the graph above, it needs to sell 18.5mil to break even (not counting DLC), It kinda is risky, it'll be huge no doubt, but double? triple? (meaning 1bil or 1.5bil) would mean 37mil+ for double, not happening

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tbone51 said:
vivster said:

Not really a risky bet.

Mark my words, they will make this back within a year and then onward double and triple that amount.

As Fatslob showed us the graph above, it needs to sell 18.5mil to break even (not counting DLC), It kinda is risky, it'll be huge no doubt, but double? triple? (meaning 1bil or 1.5bil) would mean 37mil+ for double, not happening

Because we all know the only revenue stream a game can have is its initial sales price. DLC, microtransactions and other marketing and licensing deals are nonexistent.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
tbone51 said:
vivster said:

Not really a risky bet.

Mark my words, they will make this back within a year and then onward double and triple that amount.

As Fatslob showed us the graph above, it needs to sell 18.5mil to break even (not counting DLC), It kinda is risky, it'll be huge no doubt, but double? triple? (meaning 1bil or 1.5bil) would mean 37mil+ for double, not happening

Because we all know the only revenue stream a game can have is its initial sales price. DLC, microtransactions and other marketing and licensing deals are nonexistent.

Ummm... Ok? I said not including DLC, add $10 to each game sold ($37) which is a huge estimate cuz not ever game sold will make money on dlc/etc, they still need to sell alot. About 14mil copies to break even, including DLC, so doubling maybe cuz it'll need to sell 28mil+ (this includes dlc), but tripling? No chance at all. They wont make that much. Just look at the math

That's overkill. If Destiny sells 10 million across all platforms it will be a great start to a new IP, but it will be a huge loss to Acti if it "only" sells this much.

My guess: 3 million PS4; 2.5 million Xb one; 1.5 million PS3, 2 million 360 and ???PC at full price. I don't see it getting close to the equivalent of 15millionx$60. It might make 15 million eventually, but at millions of games will be sold at well below $60. But if it is well reviewed and well received I can see Destiny 2 being pretty huge and maybe making up the loss that D1 seems almost destined (get it?) to incur.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


fools.. its pretty easy: 500 million buys you alot of 10/10 reviews > hype through the roof > sales through the roof > $$$


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

They're trying to build a franchise, I'm sure they don't expect to recoup the costs with just one game. It's not like Activision is hurting for money at the moment, they can afford to take a big risk.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!