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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
ktay95 said:
daredevil.shark said:
I saw the 30th anniversary video of Naughty Dog. Really nice video. They had so many ups and downs. People were leaving that studio during Uncharted 1. But they made the game possible. Those who are downplaying Naughty Dog for Uncharted 4 will be silent after E3. They have done it in past. They will do it again. I have no doubt in it.

Yeah that was such a great vid to watch, so nice to hear about the origin of the studio and all their ups and downs.
Now where the fuck is my UC Trilogy for PS4?? ND you cant leave me hanging, I cant play UC4 without playing the 1st 3.

Wait. Patience will be rewarded. I want uncharted trilogy with uncharted golden abyss. And I need infamous collection. Uncharted 3 multiplayer was the best multiplayer of last gen. I played 300+ hours in it. It was awesome. Very unique and balanced gameplay.

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I'm missing 2 trophies to platinum far cry 4, both are related to co-op, the one where you have to liberate an outpost as Hurk, and the other is the vehicle takedown from passenger seat. Is anyone here playing the game??? Cause I'm so desperate right now. My name is YAFEAxx on the psn.

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX

So how much sound does the PS Gold headset pick up? I'm sitting still and not making any sound but when I check my character icon thing in GTA Online it shows that my mic is picking up sound...Is it picking up the sound coming from the speaker itself or something?

ClassicGamingWizzz said:


Sony santa monica new place and cool video, sad part is that they only have one team and its doing GOW >.>

video isnt working for me.


yeah, stigs cancelled game really got in the way of them expanding. they moved to a new place that could hold 4 times as much as the old one, then they actually shrunk in numbers. i hope they make another time after GoW too, i love SSM and i really want a new ip from them.

I just realized how awfully designed the UI for a game's Trophy List is. Sony, can we please fill the gaps in the red boxes by moving the Trophies up on the screen?!

Just look at it, it makes me wanna cry.

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PlayStation Plus line-up for January officially revealed!


7th January: inFAMOUS First Light (PS4)
7th January: The Swapper (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
7th January: Prototype 2 (PS3)
7th January: DuckTales Remastered (PS3)
7th January: Woah Dave! (PS Vita, PS4 version coming at a later date)
7th January: Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition (PS Vita, not available in Germany)
7th January: Gravity Crash Ultra (PS Vita, Germany only)


6th January: inFAMOUS First Light (PS4)
6th January: The Swapper (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
6th January: Prototype 2 (PS3)
6th January: DuckTales Remastered (PS3)
6th January: Woah Dave! (PS Vita, PS4 version coming at a later date)
6th January: Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition

So, identical in US and EU. I remember when EU had much better games ever so often :(

The One and Only

Woah Dave! is available for $0.99 on Steam right now though and only has 73% positive ratings, not worth much.

I wish Ducktales was for Vita too :(

The One and Only

poklane said:

I just realized how awfully designed the UI for a game's Trophy List is. Sony, can we please fill the gaps in the red boxes by moving the Trophies up on the screen?!

Just look at it, it makes me wanna cry.

I'm a graphic designer and I work with screen design and organising content the whole time in my workplace (TV) and I didn't notice it until now. I guess I just shut down my brain after a long day of work hehehe XD 

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX

I feel stupid right now with my previous ranting about getting someone to play Co-op to get the missing trophy. I totally forgot about the keys to kyrat in my game box. I sent to my brother one of the keys to play Co-op and finally got the trophy. I should take a closer look to what's coming with the package >>>> facepalm.

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX