PlayStation Plus line-up for January officially revealed!
7th January: inFAMOUS First Light (PS4)
7th January: The Swapper (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
7th January: Prototype 2 (PS3)
7th January: DuckTales Remastered (PS3)
7th January: Woah Dave! (PS Vita, PS4 version coming at a later date)
7th January: Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition (PS Vita, not available in Germany)
7th January: Gravity Crash Ultra (PS Vita, Germany only)
6th January: inFAMOUS First Light (PS4)
6th January: The Swapper (PS4/PS3/PS Vita Cross Buy)
6th January: Prototype 2 (PS3)
6th January: DuckTales Remastered (PS3)
6th January: Woah Dave! (PS Vita, PS4 version coming at a later date)
6th January: Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition