Akiran said:
eFKac said:
Akiran said: Anyone going to play Planetside 2 once it comes out? :D
God damn yes, my most anticipated PS4 game besides The Order. I'm playing it on my laptop, but it's a bit of an half assed version since it's just an laptop + I prefer controller over KB+M.
What're the specs for your laptop O.o????
What faction are you playing? I'll probably be making an outfit
I've got a Sony Vaio SVF1521H1EB with an intel i3-3227u, GT740m, 8GB 10600/CL11 RAM
I play with medium/low setting in 720p usually around 50-60fps, but when things get hectic and there are 100 people on screen it falls considerably to around 30.
I'm in the Terran Republic, we're usually getting our asses kicked by the new conglomerate