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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
rutea7 said:

you sir, are not creative. dont be cliched, thats why you aint king!!!!!!!

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bananaking21 said:

these articles are getting ridiculous, the authors obviously have no idea what these things are and are just highlighting anything they see (that they probably dont understand) just so they can make a click bait article. 

If you think that's ridiculous wait till you see this next one...

Report: Watch_Dogs on PS4 Does Run at 1080p, 60 FPS With Barely Any Frame Rate Drops

by Giuseppe Nelva (2 hours ago) 35 

A lot of talk has been done in the past few days about the frame rate and resolution of Watch_Dogs on PS4, especially due to this little mishap, but a new preview by the German siteGolem could shed some light on the issue.

The preview mentions that Ubisoft told (probably during the preview event) that the game runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second, and the writer mentions that he (subjectively) noticed barely any frame rate drops while he played the game.

That said, this comes at a cost, as the build examined seems to have very weak ambient occlusion and visible aliasing. The weak ambient occlusion is especially noticeable at night, during which many objects seem to “float in the air” and several don’t cast shadows. According the preview, textures are also slightly blurry and lack Anistropic Filtering, which is something we already saw in other multiplatform games.

The writer also mentions that this should be less of a problem on PC, that uses HBAO+ for Ambient Occlusion and and MSAA/TXAA (the latter only for Nvidia video cards) for anti-aliasing. 

Of course the mystery on why Sony removed the mention of 1080p and 60 FPS from the PlayStation website remains, but that could be explained in various ways: the most likely reason is that the frame rate isn’t fully locked at 60 frames per second, so the house of PlayStation decided to play it safe instead of being blamed later for advertising a firm number that isn’t always solid.

Of course that’s just my personal speculation, so take it for what it’s worth.

... Another resolution one

Sony Puts E3 Passes Up For Auction Via Sony Rewards

by Giuseppe Nelva (9 minutes ago) 0 

If you always wanted to be at E3, but you’re not part of the media or the industry, Sony is offering a chance to grab a pass (actually two) for all the three days of the event via the Sony Rewards site.

The opportunity is actually a points+cash auction, meaning that you can bid with Sony Rewards points, but if you don’t have enough you can purchase more.

You can find the auction here. At the moment there are only 33 hours left, and it’s unknown if the passes include access to the PlayStation press conference (probably they don’t). If you win, you’ll also have to pay for your travel and accomodation, so keep that in mind, especially considering that the show is just three weeks away, and finding a reasonably priced hotel near the convention center may be slightly difficult.

PS4′s SHAREFactory: First Update Coming With Focus on Solving Bugs and Issues

by Giuseppe Nelva (1 hour ago) 3 

The video editing suite SHAREFactory launched with the 1.7 firmware update of the PS4 came not without issues, and Senior Producer Stuart Platt shared today that the team is hard at work on an upcoming update:

I am happy to let all #SHAREfactory players know that we are hard at work on our first update. Details coming soon.

Platt also mentioned that the focus of the update will be on addressing currently known issues. Two examples are the recording issues for commentary, that in many cases make voices sound extremely metallic, and sync issues between video and audio during rendering.

kitler53 said:
trixiemafia86 said:
KZ SF mp is quite good. still getting my ass kicked, although im now ranking top 3-5 sometimes in the official TDM 24 players. Some top players are ruthless with their cheap strategies though.


i'm having a hard time keeping my k/d ration above 1.    >_<

soo much fun but i'm soo bad at online mp.

that makes two of us.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

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stick with it. after a few hours my ratio kept jumping and eventually passed 2.0
KZ SF is all about positioning and abilities, not "shooting". it's why i like it so much, as someone who generally only likes to play shooters on PC. the fact that I'm using a controller isn't so much of a bother because aiming and shooting is secondary to the rest of what you do.

So, do you guys think Sony will respond with something to the Kinectless Xbox One, like a free game or one free year of PS+ at no additional cost? No doubt the $100/€100 difference was huge for Sony and the Playstation 4, they are going to lose that soon.

I don't think they'll do anything, other than maybe give an extra PS+ game
MS was the one that needed to do something.

poklane said:
So, do you guys think Sony will respond with something to the Kinectless Xbox One, like a free game or one free year of PS+ at no additional cost? No doubt the $100/€100 difference was huge for Sony and the Playstation 4, they are going to lose that soon.

Now Sony needs to drop the controller from the box and reduce the price to $349. Or even to $299 if they take the hard drive out :)

Oh, and in the box - free 1 year of PS+ and a free yogurt with every Burek :)