Capcom’s Producer Kazunori Sugiura released today two brand new screenshot of the PS4 exclusive Deep Down on Twitter after months of relative silence. You can see them above and below
An announcement was also included with the screenshots:
Producer Sugiura here. Currently Deep Down is being developed intensively at GW moving towards the public beta test. PS4 users have waited a lot, but please wait a bit longer.
We’re publishing two new screenshots of the game in development. The public beta test is currently scheduled for the summer.
Our boss Ono-san says “summer is when you’re wearing short sleeves” and we like to do that in the office but…. We will report again on our progress in June!
The message is actually quite interesting. First of all it mentions that the beta test will be public (so you better get those Japanese accounts ready. You can find a great walkthrough on how to make one here). The part about short sleeves may actually mean that the new update could come before it’s officially summer, and that could match the mention of June, since the summer officially starts on June 21st.
That could point to the possibility of the announcement being made at E3, which will be between June 10th and June 12th, and it’s indeed before summer officially starts, but everyone is already wearing short sleeves.
Word on the street is that Capcom will have a sizable presence at Los Angeles’ show. Hopefully we’ll hear something about a western localization then as well.
Interestingly, both screenshots are in 1080p (you can click on them to see them at their full resolution), which is quite rare for Deep Down assets, that are normally released in downsized resolutions.
