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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Twitch Considering Extending Service to Vita and 3DS, Says COO Kevin Lin

There’s potential for a Twitch streaming app on handheld devices like the 3DS or Vita, COO Kevin Lin has said.

Speaking to Games Industry, he noted that while there are some difficulties with the hardware, it’s definitely something the company is thinking about.

Handhelds. That’s something we’d love to do. On handhelds it’s more of a server/CPU concern, but we definitely want to do it.

The first step, he said, is likely to be allowing people to view streams from their handheld consoles, something far easier to accomplish using the existing hardware.”

Around the Network

Damn I thought PS+ would last until the end of the day, but it expires exactly after a year it was activated.

Anyway, any of you guys have problems accessing PS Store directly from the PS4? Any solutions? For it often just stays in the blue screen showing nothing more :-/

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

can anyone clear this up for me

I have guacamelee from PS+ on PS3
If i buy the upgrade to ps4 option
will I keep the ps4 version of the game even if PS+ expires?

Raziel123 said:
can anyone clear this up for me

I have guacamelee from PS+ on PS3
If i buy the upgrade to ps4 option
will I keep the ps4 version of the game even if PS+ expires?

I think you might have to contact Sony for that one.

I'll probably risk it cause it's so cheap anyway

All i know is that the store page for the upgrade says owners of the PS3 or vita version can upgrade at a lower price (3,59€ for me). And the price shows like that and lets me add to the cart. I'll do it later today or tomorrow

Around the Network

Everybody's gone to the rapture. I am intrigued.

I don't know if it's okay for me to triple post..

I started playing FFXIII but got bored. First JRPG I played in many years after getting tired of the genre. Tales of Xillia at 10 bucks right now seems enticing... you recommend taking the plunge? Surely it's less boring than FFXIII?

^^damn that's one long ass interview! Will read all later.

Just "finished" Fez, will post impressions shortly, spoiler - recommend it.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Raziel123 said:
I don't know if it's okay for me to triple post..

I started playing FFXIII but got bored. First JRPG I played in many years after getting tired of the genre. Tales of Xillia at 10 bucks right now seems enticing... you recommend taking the plunge? Surely it's less boring than FFXIII?

Yeah, get Xillia. That's what I did.

Ka-pi96 said:

Agreed. I was really disappointed they didn't have the Paper Power at the end of the Papertrail missions, I thought all along that was the main point of them.

That's exactly why I didn't do it. Felt like a waste of time.